Geo’s Media Blog.

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When I turned 21 I voted for the New Democratic Party in Canada.
All I can figure is that they must have been offering up a bunch of free shit like Bernie Sanders does down here.
Back in Canada there are several political parties all running for office but the big three are, the Liberals (left), the NDP (far left), and the Conservatives (slightly left). 
Hell even the Communist party runs but nobody takes them seriously.
Around the same time as I began voting, I also began my radio career.
I was a part time board op at CKY in Winnipeg where my boss was Jimmy Darin (Hilliard), who was an American.
Jim, I think, must have been the black sheep of the family because except for him, all the rest were  were educators.
His Dad was a high school principal, his Mom a teacher, and his brother, a college professor.
The only thing they had in common was, they were all card carrying Democrats.
I wasn't at all politically hip so I didn't understand how it all worked. However, I was about to get my first lesson.
On this particular day I was in Jim's office when station's accountant came in and handed him his bonus cheque for the recent ratings.
How cool I thought until I noticed the look of disbelief that came over his face.
He'd just discovered that the government had taken most of his bonus for taxes.
The silence was deafening until Jim finally said, “Ahh, I now see where America's headed and I ain't going.”
He became a Republican forever at that very moment.
A few years later that memory of that day came crashing back to me big time.
I'd just left CFRA in Ottawa for CFTR in Toronto where they doubled my pay and was staring at my first paycheck.
Unfortunately, it was about the same take home pay that I made back in Ottawa, so it wasn't long before I said, “Hello America, how are Ya!”
Royalty has never figured out how to handle an American Woman. Maybe Harry should have listened to the Guess Who before giving up being a prince. Wait till his kids find out.

Speaking of Royalty, is there any one more powerful than a beautiful woman? Just ask King David, former King Edward, former Prince Harry, and Sampson.

Few people realize that what really made the Beatles great was instead of celebrating that they'd just conquered America, they were back in the studio cutting a another great album.

We definitely live in a sexist society; women can sleep their way to the top but men cannot ask them to do so.

Who is more corrupt, a corrupt man, or his accountant?

Privacy is a thing of the past.

Growing up I don't think my father expected my brother and me to amount to much because because he had no idea how to handle our success.

If you know what has to be done, you can always hire the people who know how to do it.

Being good at being bad is not really a bad thing.

Forever is closer today than it was yesterday

The world becomes a better place when you become a better person.

Most obsticals can be overcome except for the imagined ones.

How come it's much easier to say fuck you than Thank you?

A perfectionist is a person who hides behind the impossible.

I don't know anybody who has some influence that's not doing well.

So the old adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me,” was bogus  huh?

Why does the left always refer to Trump as being a Nazi, didn't the Nazis start out as socialists? Trump sure ain't. 

Our natural instinct is to always save the young which is why I don't understand why our leaders are all old rich folks.

What's meant to happen always does.

Whenever something bad ever happened to me, there was usually a woman or alcohol involved, sometimes both.

Having a (D) or (R) behind your name doesn't make you, “All Knowing.”

Perfection may be unattainable but it's still a worthy quest.

Nobody  wants to hear bad news

Having the ability to change your mind is a virtue.

I remember the days when there was no way you could by a radio station. Now, why would you want to?

Wow, that was quite a windfall Warren Buffet recieved when Biden shut down the pipe line, huh? Old debt?

Nobody respects that which they got for free.

I wonder how many fathers with daughters agree with Joe that guys who think they're girls, belong in female sports?

Beautiful women have a lot of power but not near as much as those who are loved.

Good ideas are usually not recognized instantly.

Whatever happened to that gay black actor who claimed that a bunch of white thugs beat him up? It came out later that he'd hired them to do so.

Life is a team sport, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

When you finally have enough, what then?If you love what you do, odds are you'll be successful. 

Being a Centrist I've noticed that Republicans seem to laugh much more than Democrats do.

Passing more laws about prejudice and racism only leads to more prejudice and racism. 

Your character is based more on how you handle situations that you don't know how to fix than when you do.

Every Democrat can tell you what the Republicans are up to as can the Republicans tell you about the Democrats. Unfortunately, they're both blinded by their blind faith.

Does anybody really believe that we live in a better world than our parents did or is it just different?

Sometimes elegance and functionality just don't go together.

Laws can't make winners out of losers.

Why do I claim to be a Centrist? It's because I am suspicious of all politicians, not just those with an (R) or a (D) behind their name. 

Why do so many women give up sailing and flying shortly after getting married?

To be rich in friends is worthy but having rich friends is even worthier. 

Clever and Smart ain't the same thing.

Nobody likes change so you might as well take advantage of it.

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