The only advice I want to hear about my children is your applause.
If you didn’t have a great past, quit dragging yourself back there.
As arrogant as the French are about everything, I wonder how they’re handling the Arabs taking over their country.
Things aren’t black or white; they’re mostly gray.
Most parents think they did a good job raising their children. Unfortunately, their kid’s therapist may disagree.
Some men like trolling for tramps, and​ some women enjoy tramping for trolls.
Maybe If we looked at life through our rearview mirrors occasionally, history wouldn’t repeat itself.
Geo’s Life-Liners is a daily politically incorrect look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, Religion, and Life, primarily written with men in mind.
On Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio.
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@JamesDuval: The arrogance of the French, as late as the DE Gaulle era while Algeria was still a French colony, has come back to haunt them. If the French had simply allowed the Algerian people to become an independent country with French support and alliances, I do not know if the migration of Arabians would have been as strong as it is today; however, because of birth rate demographics, all of Europe is experiencing an influx of Arab and African people. (2/26/24)
Geo: Yep, Jed, sometimes the vision of us all living together in perfect harmony turns out to just be a pipe dream.
Nat Humphrey: Good morning! The French are permanently pissed that English became the global lingua franca and French didn’t. This to me is what we interpret as apparent “arrogance”. One of many examples I can offer is my sending a little drawing over to the official Picasso authentication committee both in English and French (out of courtesy) for their review. Months later their response came back in French, knowing damn well I’d have to fire up my translation software to read it. (2/29/24)
Geo: Ahh the “arrogance” continues. I think the world will only consider using French as a language when France wins a couple of wars, Nat.