Cat Women! (new for week of may 11/15)

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I miss my Mother a whole bunch and can only hope she has reunited with my Sister Sandra which she dreamed of doing for most of her life. Growing up I received a lot of advice from her but what I remember most was that she told me not to be alone too much because I had hermit tendencies. I have no idea what she meant as I sit here all alone writing this. Miss ya Mom, please say hi to Sandra and Dad for me.

I sure don’t know a thing about trucks but if I ever feel the need to get one I think I’m gettin’ an F-150 baby!


It’s bad enough that you may not know what to do but when you do and you still don’t do it is when we are allowed to call you an idiot.
As I understand it the rule is that you’re just not allowed to date someone your daughter(s) exact age right?
OK so lets check out the formula … Their age doubled minus 7 which must add up to more than your age, or is it plus 7. Either way I think I may have been off track a few times but sometimes it ain’t bad being bad at math.
The mistakes you made with “bad girls” are only temporarily learned.
Enjoy yourself while you can because all glory is fleeting but obscurity is forever.
You don’t even get a day off when you retire so why the hell would you do it.
You tend to lose your appetite for new music around 33.
Have you noticed how many commercials are showing more and more interracial couples. Has anybody checked in with the black ladies to see what they think about it.
When you have children your dreams for yourself suddenly morph to dreams for them.
There is nothing real about Reality TV.
Fear is a natural state where as courage must be congered up.
You can conquer anything but your imagination.
I think managers and agents are grossly overpaid and make their living mostly from dumb clients.
I wonder how Apple plans on overcoming the fact that today’s youth only wear a watch as jewelry.
Over 60 years ago the fusion of black and white music produced a phenomenon called Rock&Roll which can only lead one to think about what the fusion of black and white people might produce.
If the only time you could declare whether you were a Democrat or a Republican after you were elected I wonder how that would change the political landscape.
Good news for my daughter(s) female CEO’s make more than their male counterparts.
Seeing as justice is only a concept what the hell does the department of justice do.
Is it true that women who are cat lovers don’t have very much affection left over for you.
Does being beautiful screw you up.
When you hear The Beatles singing “In My Life” how can you not think about your own life.
You have no right to be happy or rich, you only have the right to pursue them.
In radio when you become the best thing since sliced bread you’re still only one rating book away from being “toast”.
Michael Jordan made one of the neatest quotes I ever heard when he was a member of the first dream team at the Olympics and said … I’m just gonna play a little defense and let Larry (Bird) shoot for me.
Brent Farris claims that the # 1 pickup line in California is … Hey Baby ya wanna come to my house, I have water.
Forever gets closer everyday. 
The 4 top things we men don’t do are…
1. Ask directions.
2. Read instructions.
3. Mail in rebate coupons.
4. Go to malls.
I wonder if politicians even care about the fact that I don’t trust them near as much as my parents did and that my children even trust them less.
Are there any plans to take away the guns from criminals or is it just the amateurs they’re worried about.
It’s more important to know your own weaknesses than those of your opponents.

After replying OK all year to my questions about how her classes are going at college my Daughter Cami now finally informs me that she finished her Freshman year at USF with straight “A”s. Color me a proud papa!

Boy that “fight of the century” stuff sure died down rather rapidly huh.

Much more and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio.



10 thoughts on “Cat Women! (new for week of may 11/15)

  1. Great story about your Dear Mother, George. The woman who brought you into the world deserves a lot of credit. I’m willing to bet that most entertainers who were lucky enough to have a Mom around, would have great stories about how they inspired and advised them in their careers. I know mine did. I was a 20 yr. old night-jock who took a job 2500 miles from home and wrote my Mother a letter, whining about how hard it was to get this career going and how lonely I was. Her response was “Do you think Johnny Carson just woke up one day and was asked to host “The Tonight Show? Anything magical takes hard work and sacrifice.” She was right…Moms usually are. -Jim

    • I hear ya Jim, when my Mother heard me on the phone about 6 months before I got married turning down a lucrative position as the GM of a brand new Bowling alley to become a board op, she cried. I think her tears motivated me a lot to prove that I did the right thing. Here’s to all Mothers!

  2. George:

    Regarding last week’s fight, do you think that you might issue new “advisory/warning/disclaimer” for promotional language about any event using absolute superlatives, or did P.T. Barnum say it best ? Somehow the fights on the radio and newsreels in the 1930s and 1940s, and on TV in the 1950s and 1960s seemed more like unbelievable once-in-a-lifetime events. (Or “was it just my imagination…running away with me”).

    • I have a rule Jed, whenever there is an excessive amount of advertising for a new movie that is about to play you usually can count on it being a dud. The folks who produced the movie already know it stinks and are just trying to get their money back quickly before the people find out. The “fight of the century” had all the makings of a stinky movie.

  3. Why the hell would anyone retire, you ask? You know it’s time to retire when the new young guns passing you in the hallway have no idea who you are or what you may have accomplished during your snot-nosed years. As the best jock I ever heard, Ol’ uncle Lar, Larry Lujack, once said, “I was as good as I was ever going to get 30 years ago.” He also [should have] said, “If you’re smart enough to retire before people forget who you are, you get a shiny new dime, L’il Tommy!”

    • Ken it doesn’t matter whether the young guns know your name they barely know theirs. You can still take ’em all on and leave them in the dust. The listeners always loved you, remember you were the one who left them they never left you buddy. You and Gardner are still my favorite mid day guys of all time, I would still put both of you up against anybody. Thanks for doing some great radio for me for so many years.

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