Radio Geo’s Media Blog (Camera Anne Johns Summerfield Turns 28 Today.) 11/06/23

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It was 28 years
ago today
when Camera Anne

came out to play.

I got to hold her
when she was
only ten minutes old,
But when she grabbed
my finger
she stole my soul.

I whispered
sweet nothings
into her ear
Trying to assure her,

she had nothing
to fear.

Then I unveiled
how it’s gonna be
a life filled

with adventures
just wait and see.

Since that day
we’ve traveled a lot
to mant places
that were cool
but were also hot.

Christmas was
never a bore
They were filled with
pretty dresses

and toys galore.

We managed to
meet Barney
whom Cami loved
but she was much
too frightened
to give him a hug.

Yep, we took the train
from coast to coast
but I think I was the one

who loved it the most.

Now It’s 28 years later, 
and she’s barely begun
but she works
really hard,
so it’s
time for some fun

Now, she’s back in school
which makes me so proud

I wanna shout out about it
and do it loud

She’s smart, and she’s beautiful,
what more can I say
Except this

on her special day.

Happy Birthday, my wee-one,
and never forget,
Daddy loves you

with no regrets.

Radio Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect inside look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, and Life, primarily written with men in mind.
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26 thoughts on “Radio Geo’s Media Blog (Camera Anne Johns Summerfield Turns 28 Today.) 11/06/23

  1. Daughters and Dads. You just can’t beat it in my opinion. Congratulations you two and many many more great years to look forward to.

  2. As a Dad to a beautiful daughter myself, I know exactly how you feel. And I’m happy for you. Every day we live, we can feel even more that family and old friends are the very best!

  3. Wow, Wish her a happy birthday from Laurie and me.
    It has been fun watching her grow up, even if it had to be from afar.

  4. What a wonderful poem from a wonderful dad.
    Camera Anne should really be glad.
    That you’re the dad that’s in her life.
    To help her through the world’s strifes.

  5. Tom Hoyt: Wow! How well I remember the parking lot surprise! Please tell her that story and wish her a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Uncle Tom, me, not the cabin!! (Camera Anne)
    Geo: I’ll never forget the look on your face, Tom. 🙂

  6. Bill McDonald: Nothing bigger than father/daughter. Nothing better. Happy to see you are so blessed, George. (Camera Anne)
    Geo: True Dat!

  7. Jed Duval: A very loving tribute from a doting father to a very special daughter. Happy Birthday, Cami. (Camera Anne)
    Geo: Thank you, Jed.

  8. Jennifer: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAMI♥️
    George, you rate as one of the most amazing and fantastic Dads I know! (Camera Anne)
    Geo: That is very kind of you, Jenn Jenn, thank you.

  9. Wendy Holmes: How refreshing it is to understand that you are an epic Daddy. All fathers can be a dad, but it takes a special one to be a daddy!! Congratulation to you and happy birthday to your lovely daughter. (Cami Turns 28)
    Geo: My first time around as a dad was mostly scary, but when I got to do it again 20 years later, Wendy, it was exhilarating.

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