Being With Some Women Is Like Being In Prison.

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482733_10151827071844307_1141666166_nIs there some kind of code which prevents black entertainers from ever mentioning that they enjoy the performances of some white entertainers.

Ideas are the mortal enemy of the way things are.

I know very few married men who ever dreamed about the life they are living whereas I do know a lot of women who living what they dreamed about since they were 11.

When daughters and mothers are fighting I would advise you to stay out of it because they’ll likely turn on you.

​I would highly recommend that every daughter see the first “Taken” movie and realize that most fathers are not ex CIA agents so they need to be very careful out there.

As soft sweet and feminine as my daughters are I have no doubt they would tear the throat out of any woman who said something bad about me except maybe for their mothers.

You can actually choose your destiny rather than just letting it show up.

Growing your part in the play does not necessarily make the play any better.

Now lets see if I’ve got this right Obama, according to your way of thinking it wasn’t Catholic priests who violated those alter boys it was just some extremists.

I wonder if kennedy would have handled the sex abuse by Catholic preists the same way Obama is handling the actions of the Muslim terrorists.

Speaking of Obama, don’t you get a little nervous when he says he is gonna raise taxes on the rich cuz to most of the poor, we are the rich.

​Being with a woman you love is wonderful but unfortunately being with one you don’t is like being in prison.

How long do you suppose we’d let big business last without government protection.

Maybe baseball should consider packing it in after 7 … Hell if we’ve all gotta get up for a stretch ain’t she ’bout done.

Remember back in the day when the GM’s of a radio station actually worked in radio before they became a GM.

Don’t you long for the real story behind why somebody left a radio station.

Apple always always kept fully focused on the product and never worried about the numbers. Too bad that didn’t work out huh!

Socrates, Walt Disney, and Steve Jobs all believed that was what was above the bottom line that caused the bottom line. Do today’s radio leaders actually think they are smarter than those 3 guys.

In 1965 CEO’s made 24 time as much as their employees, today it’s 262 times. Do you see any problem with that.

Did you ever notice that most cheerleaders have identical looking decolletage, I wonder if they all went to the same surgeon.

I wonder why the Republicans are such huge supporters of Israel even though the Jews in America don’t vote for them.

If something is easy for you to do, keep doing doing it because it usually means you are good at it and maybe you should charge for it.

Good content can usually save bad talent but bad content cannot be saved by good talent.

Have you ever noticed that when a comedian has weak material he’ll use a dialect or a voice impression to deliver it.

Why do people wearing leathers and riding a Harley always appear to be happier than you are.

Only people longing to be President of the United States give a damn about what the folks who live part time in Palm Beach think.

It’s tough to stay positive when the only news worthy events are so negative but I must admit that the Brian Williams thing was fun though.

If you’re an old guy hitting on young babes you better be able to dance like a boy toy.

Now on twitter @GeorgeGeoJohns.

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2 thoughts on “Being With Some Women Is Like Being In Prison.

  1. Regarding the comment of your observation about the decolletage of cheerleaders, I think it is only a matter of time that the N.F.L. teams (or the league) designates a plastic surgeon as “The Official Breast Enhancement Consultant(s) of the (Enter the Team Name)”. Why not ? It’s only money and open discussion of breasts and genitalia are common place at all hours of the day in almost all forums. It is amazing how the spoofs featuring Jason Sudekis and Will Forte on “Saturday Night Live” about the E.S.P.N. sponsorships, while still funny because of the presentations, have essentially become every day, every hour, all channels messages. The latest is the Cottonelle Wipes, where the attractive blonde female spokesperson with a British accent is now telling those she encounters that after using the Cottonelle Wipes, that they will feel “so clean”, they can “go Commando”. I am guessing that the job of broadcast (and cable) censors is one of those jobs that are totally extinct !

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