“Aw Shit” (new geo Blog for May 08/17)

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Sometimes it’s hard for me to communicate with the fairer sex because like most men I need to use a lot of football metaphors to get my point across.
Recently my youngest who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks occasionally was in the middle of a crisis at college, and while trying to calm her, I made a fatal error in judgment. My faux pas occurred as I was urging her to stay focused so we could quickly come up with a solution to her dilemma. Had she been he I would have simply said that we needed to put in the “hurry up offense” but knowing that she wouldn’t understand any of that that I searched my brain for other words that meant the same.
Unfortunately, I went with the first thing that popped into my head which was not only stupid but proved the theory that ten “atta boys” can instantly be wiped out by one “aw shit.” What 
I told her was that we needed to get on top of this before it got out of hand, so I wanted her to get into the “panic mode.” Can you spell DISASTER?
When war gets loud, the music generally gets soft.
The only people who should never live for today are the young; they still have a shot at tomorrow.
When in the middle of a dream you begin to read a book, who in the hell wrote it?
Whenever I get frightened, I get angry, and when I get angry, my rage kicks in which is hard for me to control. However, my new thinking is why not just go with it hell the worst that could happen is free room and board for the rest of my life.
There is nothing sacred about the law; it’s man made.
The best thing about falling in love again is you get to tell your life story again.
We all understand why a guy may be “pussy-whipped” but we don’t have to respect him for it, do we?
The best motivational words for some people are, don’t ever!
When you’re a kid, you do your best to hide what’s different about you. Later on, you may discover though that what’s different about you needs to be flaunted because it’s what’s  going to make you successful.

If you’re struggling with something, it means that you’re not very good at it. Whatever’s easy for you to do is what you should do ’cause you’re gifted at it. 

According to Brent Farris, the only rehearsal that goes on in radio today is when the morning team is rehearsing the words that they created which explain why they sucked today.
No great story ever began with, “So there I was eating a salad…”
Romantic movies lie to women just as porn movies do to men.
What the hell happened to all the people who supported Hitler and voted for Nixon, they all seem to have disappeared.
Whenever your special lady asks you who that woman is, the only correct response is, I don’t know!
Worry comes from the dark side of your imagination.
Just cause you don’t need glasses doesn’t mean that you have vision.
What warning do you get about no longer being a “Young Turk.”
In football just like in life defense can win you the Superbowl but it can’t get you there.
It doesn’t matter where you stand it’s what direction are you moving.

Only the media is excited about social media; the folks just use it.

Speaking of Social Media, has anybody but Zuck made a buck off of Facebook yet?
As we drown in an overload of information, we all could use a little wisdom.
The only sports teams that ever seem to achieve any greatness are the ones whose the fans stop coming to see them when they stop winning.
Have you or anyone that you know seen someone wearing a PPM device?
I wonder why the people who have absolutely nothing to say take so long to say it.
Opportunity always needs a little help before presenting itself.

A lot more @ GeorgeJohns.com and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio. Go ahead and share and I would also love to read and respond to your comments.


7 thoughts on ““Aw Shit” (new geo Blog for May 08/17)

  1. My understanding about the people who supported Hitler in 1933, those whom survived the war and emigrated to the U.S., they wanted a change and while they feared Hitler’s closest supporters, the German people were cold, hungry and blamed the rest of Europe for their physical and economic suffering, so they voted him in as chancellor without doing much thinking. Afterwards, most were ashamed. As with Nixon, which I can comment upon because I was there in 1968, (a dreaded T.A.R., Teen Age Republican), the country was already sick and tired of the Vietnam War and L.B.J.’s earnest, but ineffective rhetoric, so “the new” Nixon looked very attractive to almost all voters, including many Democrats. The movie with Warren Beatty and Julie Christie, “Shampoo”, has that background going on the entire film, even though the time was 1972. “Watergate” was a scandal that was more a political and media scandal than a scandal that actually hurt the American people. Do you know of any private sector businesses that were damaged by “Watergate” ? While I perceive Trump and his political posturing as more Huey Long / “Willie Stark” (“All The King’s Men”), one can see the populism at work, which was as old as Julius Caesar and Napolean.

    • Well said, Jed. America always yearns for change and Trump will definitely give them that. I think though that it’s still only going to be deck chair on the Titanic change. Until the government helps out the middle class more instead of just the rich and the poor life for us will either remain the same or get worse.

  2. RE “So there I was, eating a salad” … back when our direct mail promotion business was hauling in the big cash, we had offices in a very exclusive high rise building in downtown San Diego. Full of law firms, accountant firms, doctors. Sometimes on an elevator, if Ernie Kovacs and I were alone and the elevator stopped at one of the floors long the way, as the doors opened to let someone in, Ernie would say, “So there I was, completely naked….” More than once, the person who was about to board the elevator instantly changed their mind and backed out.

  3. I learned volumes about the PPM world when my long time on air team mate from 1980’s #1 BJ-105 Orlando, Bill Barber was chosen to “own” one for two years after he left the airwaves. Hope you meet one of the “chosen few” soon. It may be the best bonis for “How to Perform Well.” Offered my insight and radio experiences as an on air programmer to several since 2010, but as you know, due to massive non-response, I’m now an airline captain instead 🙂

    And making money on Facebook? Marry a smart woman. Mrs. Gardner bought Facebook stock at the IPO price of about thirty a share. It’s now about a hundred fifty.

    • Good to hear from you “Captain” I remember when the radio gods first f*%ked with you. By the time you finally got your dream job as an airline pilot you were making too much money in radio. Looks like the airline gods won this round.

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