Are You F#*king Kidding Me!

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I am a huge fan of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Trilogy and even have seen all the movies. I heard the U.S. was going to make its own version and just laughed. Now that I have seen the previews it looks like I may enjoy hearing what they are saying rather than reading it more than I thought.

Speaking of movies, Cowboys and Aliens had a good cast but the acting was terrible. They must have owed somebody a picture or somebody had pictures.

Wow! Mike McVay new SVP Programming for Cumulus.

Winnipeg using an old name for their brand new hockey team I think is very cool. I was back in the “peg” years ago for a vacation and attended the press conference when they signed Super Star Bobby Hull “The Golden Jet” for a Million Dollars and named the team after him. I can hardly wait to catch a couple of games with a few of my old Transcona Buds.

Jim Quail reminded me when we played Hockey our motto was … If ya can’t beat them in the alleys your not going to beat them on the ice.

Speaking of Hockey and such you haven’t seen a sports riot until you see Winnipeg go at it. Many years a go I was having a meeting in a hotel on the corner of Portage and Main with Gary Stevens and David Martin. We watched as below us a bunch of fans overturned a huge bus in the middle of a snow storm celebrating the victory of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in the Grey Cup. Go Jets!

While I was away on vacation a few of my favorite bartenders at Duffy’s in the Village got let go because the company’s “Secret Shoppers” didn’t think they were up to snuff. A few days ago I happened to go to one on North Lake and the service there was not near as good as my faves gave me at mine. I guess the Secret Shoppers are looking for something more than customer satisfaction.

When you hear radio people discussing other radio people’s voices ( pipes) you would almost think they were describing Breasts.

73% of Americans are followers. The trick if you’re an air talent is to convince them you’re not and they will follow you anywhere with their PPM devices firmly attached.

When I first came to America I was very lucky because I didn’t know any radio people so we could do anything we wanted on the radio without fear of one of our radio buddies, who only understand today not tomorrow, asking us if we were crazy. Their lack of input became our “Tipping Point” on KVIL.

Tim Moore says it isn’t always enough to do your very best, sometimes you have to do what’s necessary.

Rich Stevens says the definition of an awkward moment is getting a Facebook friend request from Casey Anthony.

Chris Duffy says that the Uzi I ordered in case there was no Football season may still be a good idea if I continue to work in the same building as Joyce Kaufman.

Bob Christy claims I need a 9mm Glock because Uzis aren’t reliable after firing the first round.

Fear of failure is a great self motivator.

I believe life is measured by it’s breathless moments and your job your whole life is to put yourself in a position where there is a possibility of a few breathless moments occurring.

Recently John Parikhal reminisced to Lee Abrams that nobody stays up all night anymore creating radio to be executed the next day. But he bet they sure do at Google.

When I was a kid Rock&Roll was our cause and our godlike leaders, Elvis, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis and Chuck Berry we were sure were leading us out of the darkness into a new and fairer world. These guys were loud, angry, and just plain defiant as they played music’s new direction. Imagine my total disappointment years later reading Chuck’s book where he said that the whole time he was Rockin’ are sox off he was just wishing he could sing like Nat King Cole. NAT F**KING COLE … ARE YOU F##KING KIDDING ME !

Speaking of Nat King Cole (OK I can do this now) When Bo Diddley had his first big hit “Hey Bo Diddley” on the charts, he was invited by Ed Sullivan to appear on his Sunday night show. Ed asked Bo to play a little of his tune for him.  Upon hearing the hit Ed told him it sounded a little too jungle like and Bo should just sing a couple of Nat King Cole’s songs instead.

Talking about music I remember when if it rocked it was frowned upon as being low brow music. Now if it doesn’t rock it is low brow music.


10 thoughts on “Are You F#*king Kidding Me!

    • Dennis, I think he may have learned about them from Chuck Riley whom you always needed to be slightly behind in the event he dropped to one knee(-:

  1. Fear of failure motivates me every day. I guess that’s why I’m the only professor working during summer break.

  2. — Can’t see Chuck ever being a Glock-Uzi man, his expert taste and discerning knowledge regarding iron was unsurpassed. I remember him telling me “If you want a real gun, then buy a real gun or three, you little piss ant! So, I did.

  3. Recently John Parikhal reminisced to Lee Abrams that nobody stays up all night anymore creating radio to be executed the next day. But he bet they sure do at Google. Truely miss that time and the people involved!

  4. They do stay up all night at Facebook, not so much anymore at Google. For a rare look at the marketing aspect and plenty more about google read I’m feeling lucky, by Doug Edwards employee number 58…who came from print to google..
    As for Uzi’s I just call in my marine sniper team that I worked with at the Pentagon.

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