#3 All Time. Radio Geo’s Media Blog (Adult Content) Published 4/20/13

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I’ve known Joasia, shown above and below, with me for over 25 years, but I had no idea she was this naughty, or I would have been all over her.
Check her out on the link at the bottom of the page.


The wonderful world you live in may, in fact, only be a figment of your imagination.

Greatness is usually accomplished by a person who is out of time.
The only thing that really makes life worth living is dying!

I wonder how different the world would be if it was against the law to lie at any time.

One Man walking the talk adds up to a way more than the 50 who are talkin’ it.

I have finally figured out you have to ask for what you want because seldom does a nice surprise show up.

Isn’t it strange that some Women you thought were beautiful when you first met them become less attractive as you get to know them, just as some of the not-so-attractive become beautiful during the same time period?

One must think about the future in order to have one.

Just ’cause I don’t say anything about it doesn’t mean I don’t know all about it!

Everything already exists, we just haven’t discovered it yet.

Why would I care what some group calling themselves minorities want, I only care about deserving individuals not a bunch of people who became part of a group in order to be noisier.

Why would the press interview the V/P of marketing about anything. I wonder what kind of spin they would try to put on this year’s Boston Marathon to try and discount the bombings.

Most Women have about a 10-year window to find the Man of their dreams because that’s when they are at their best.

Well, it looks like Obama is afraid of the same evil characters the Presidents who came before him were so don’t expect the Banks, the Oil Companies, and the Pharmaceutical companies to get warm and fuzzy anytime soon. 

I knew I was in trouble the day Jim West said … I know you’re overbooked, but I just received a large certified check asking if you had room for one more client, and from where I sit, you look like you’ve got room. The real problem was I agreed with him.

If you don’t believe in magic, I’ve just gotta hear your explanation of love.

My Nephew Jamie Boychuk, who is a “suit” in the railroad business, says “Unlike the radio business, which uses inspiration as motivation, we just pay our people a lot of money and then kick their ass to get things done.”

Bruce Munson told me the more you deal with banks, the more you understand why John Dillinger became a folk hero.

Instincts are not all good.

I think you could quiet a large room by simply explaining the theory that pointing out what’s wrong with this picture pays a dollar an hour while fixing it pays a thousand dollars an hour.

Does anybody know if they still have an ethics class at Harvard, or was it canceled due to a lack of interest?

Speaking of ethics there is no such thing as business ethics there’s only ethics.

Some women don’t realize they are only who they are, not who they married.

Why do the less talented have bigger egos than the gifted?

When the sales folks don’t like the music, you better book a bigger room for the rating party.

When talented people appear to be normal, ya gotta wonder what else they are lying about.

The people who appear to be the happiest, usually come from the saddest places.

When the creative department of an advertising agency runs out of neat things to say about the Big Mac, McDonald’s solves it by hiring a different agency.

As impressive as it is to see someone working real hard they seldom produce anywhere near what a person working smarter does.

My Brother Reg once asked me why I continued to date Women who threw gasoline on my fiery rage rather than finding one who could calm me. I told him, “You’ll just have to use his imagination.”

If you don’t have more questions than answers, you’re not really living.

Jim Hilliard told me that we needed a 24-hour rule, meaning I couldn’t quit, nor could he fire me for 24 hours after we became extremely upset with each other. He later changed it to a 48-hour rule, claiming he needed more time.

Originally, we were told that consolidation was created to save local radio. They wouldn’t lie to us, would they?

The Countdown Continues Tomorrow With #2.

Geo’s Media Blog is an inside look at Radio, Music, Movies, Politics, Books, Social Media, Religion, and Life, written primarily for men.
For a peek at upcoming Blogs or to see some you may have missed, go to GeorgeJohns.com.
On Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio. Sharing and commenting are encouraged and appreciated.



10 thoughts on “#3 All Time. Radio Geo’s Media Blog (Adult Content) Published 4/20/13

  1. Love is not Lust. Lust is Lust! …but how can you not LOVE Lust?

    You can’t fall in Love, you can only fall in Lust! Lust feels like Love, and humans get that confused. Every Single Time! Love only happens when 2 people who really like each other, continue to really like each other for a long period of time.

    Which means saying I love you, is a huge feakin’ LIE! The first person who says it…is DOOMED!

  2. Whoops, now we need “think check”. It’s a shame that “window” and “widow” are actual words.
    Take care,

  3. Hi George,

    Great stuff, I particularly loved
    your comment about HARVARD and if its ethics class still exists?

  4. The larger radio corporations become, the worse radio becomes and that’s now as true here in Canada as in the U.S. although there are still some smaller, creative radio companies in both countries.

    The larger radio corporations become, the more great radio talent loses their jobs (because according to the bean counters, they make too much money. Aren’t talented radio people supposed to be financially rewarded if they bring in the listeners?

    How sad for an industry we both love.

    • Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention Doug and back when talent was huge owners were afraid so they invented top 40. Along with top 4o came characters who not only understood the music the folks wanted to hear but also figured out how to become even bigger than the music they were playing. The Beatles changed all that. Now the owners are no longer afraid so there are no new inventions on the radio because nobody is looking for them. There will always be new music because the new artists are always looking for the new way because that’s how they achieve their freedom. Consequently music is far out in front of Radio!

  5. Jenn Jenn: You’re the bestest!! I can’t even begin to comment on my favorites because you hit the mark for me on everything!
    Geo: Just trying to work my way into your heart babe!

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