Radio Geo’s Media Blog (Adult Content) #3 All-Time.

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In January 2011, I published my first Radio Geo’s Media Blog.
Since then, I’ve written about a thousand of them, which has produced over five thousand comments.

However, after reviewing the LIfe-Liners, what I found most interesting was how many of them I’ve changed my mind about over the years.

Now, as we head towards the twelve days of Christmas, I thought it might be a good time to repost some of my most-read blogs.
So, with that in mind, may I present Radio Geo’s Media Blog, “All Time Top 12.”


I’ve known Joasia for over 25 years, but I had no idea she had a naughty side.
Had I known, I would have been all over her a long time ago. Check her out above and on the link below.


The wonderful world you live in may, in fact, only be a figment of your imagination.

Greatness is usually accomplished by a person who is running out of time.
The only thing that makes life worth living is dying!

I wonder how different the world would be if it were against the law to lie.

One man walking the talk adds up to more than the 50 who are talkin’ it.

I have finally figured out you have to ask for what you want because seldom does it ever just show up.

Isn’t it strange when you meet some women who appear beautiful when you first meet them somehow become less attractive as you get to know them, whereas others grow more attractive?

One must think about the future in order to have one.

Just ’cause I don’t say something about it doesn’t mean I don’t know about it!

Everything already exists; we just haven’t discovered it yet.

Why would I care what groups calling themselves special minorities want? I only care about deserving individuals, not people who are just part of a noisy crowd.

Why would the press interview the VP of marketing about anything? I wonder what spin they would try to put on this year’s Boston Marathon to try and discount the bombings.

Most women have about a 20-year window to find the Man of their dreams because that’s when they are at their best.

Well, it looks like Obama is afraid of the same evil characters the Presidents who came before him were, so don’t expect the Banks, the Oil Companies, and the Pharmaceutical companies to get warm and fuzzy anytime soon. 

I knew I was in trouble the day Jim West said … I know you’re already overbooked, but I just received a certified check from a potential client, and from where I’m sitting, I think you can squeeze them in. The problem was, I agreed with him.

If you don’t believe in magic, I’ve just gotta hear your explanation of love.

My Nephew Jamie Boychuk, a “suit” in the railroad business, says, “unlike Radio, which uses inspiration as motivation, we just pay our people a lot of money and then kick their ass to get things done.

Bruce Munson told me the more you deal with banks, the more you understand why John Dillinger became a folk hero.

Instincts are not all good.

I think you could quiet a large room by simply explaining the theory that pointing out what’s wrong with this picture pays a dollar an hour, whereas fixing it pays a thousand dollars an hour.

Does anybody know if they still have an ethics class at Harvard, or was it canceled due to a lack of interest?

Speaking of ethics, there, of course, is no such thing as business ethics, just ethics.

A few women have a problem realizing that they are who they are, not who they married.

Why do the less talented have bigger egos than those who are gifted?

When the sales department doesn’t like the music, you need to book a bigger room for the rating party.

When talented people claim to be normal, ya gotta wonder what else they are lying about.

The people who appear to be the happiest are most likely the saddest.

When the creative department of an advertising agency runs out of neat things to say about the Big Mac, McDonald’s solves it by hiring a new agency.

As impressive as seeing someone working hard is, they seldom produce anywhere near as much as a person working smarter does.

My Brother Reg once asked me why I dated Women who threw gasoline on my rage rather than finding one to calm me. I told him that he’ll just have to use his imagination.

If you don’t have more questions than answers, you’re not living up to your potential.

When I first moved to America, Jim Hilliard put a 24-hour rule into effect. This meant that I couldn’t quit, nor could he fire me for 24 hours after we became extremely distraught with one another.
He later changed it to a 48-hour rule, claiming he needed more time to calm himself.

Originally, we were told that consolidation was going to save local radio. They wouldn’t lie to us, would they?

Radio Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect inside look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, and Religion, but mostly Life, primarily written with men in mind.
For a peek at upcoming Blogs or to see some you may have missed, go to On Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio. Sharing and commenting is appreciated.
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