Privileged White Guy! (new geo Blog)

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For some reason lot of my friends and I are referred to as privileged white guys, and I for one am hoping that some of those privileges show up pretty soon because I’m running out of time. Not only don’t I feel very privileged, but I’m amazed by all reverse sexism and racism in America that seems to be stacked against me which goes unchallenged. For example, years ago when my fiance and I stopped getting along we broke off our engagement only to discover that she was pregnant.
Shortly after her coldly informing me that I was nothing more than a sperm donor to her because as she claimed that she didn’t need anything from me, I coldly sued her for the right to see my child. We went to trial, and I won the case but guess who had to pay all the lawyers and the court costs. Yep, you got it, the privileged white guy.
After moving to South Florida from Boston to be near my child, her mother some twenty years later sued me to the tune of thirty-five thousand dollars for what she claimed was unpaid child support. The real truth was that I’d overpaid by her sixty thousand dollars, but nonetheless there I was going back to court again. I guess you can only file this under the no good deed goes unpunished category.
I’d figured out real early that I was pre-judged before we even got to trial when they sent my two thousand dollar refund from the IRS to her. 
When the trial date finally came around what I faced in the courtroom were two government-supplied lawyers who were there on her behalf and a female judge. The judge soon confirmed my suspicions that I was already pre-judged when she opened the proceedings with, Mr. Johns, we are all here today to discuss how you plan on paying the thirty-five thousand dollars you owe your daughter’s mother for back child support. 
Unfortunately for them, I had all my ducks in a row and began by saying that not only did I not owe her anything but she, in fact, owed me the sixty thousand dollars I’d overpaid her. Somewhat surprised by my statement the judge asked if I could verify this and when I assured her, I could she told me to continue. As I started down my list of overpayments, she would interrupt me occasionally to ask for the dates of the payments. About halfway down my list one of the lawyers interrupted me by saying, your honor, we withdraw our complaint. I was glad that it was over but what had hurt me the most about all this was the day my daughter accused me of wasting all my money on bimbos instead of sending her mother what I owed her
Still upset about all that had transpired I sent a nasty letter to the government accusing them of sexism and racism but of course got no response. However, without explanation or even a hint of an apology, a couple of months later I did get my IRS refund check back. Score one for the privileged white guy.
Positive things that happen may feel good, but they’re of little use because you only learn from the negative.
When the radio brass starts cutting their salaries, we’ll know that then and only then that they are beginning to get serious about their debt. Until then, I predict they’ll just continue tap dancing for the banks and investors as they to hold on to their enormous salaries.
The Beatles never dreamed they’d be as successful as they became so consequently they had no plan ready and flamed out early.
I know a whole lot about a little, but like everyone, I have an opinion about everything.
Every city in the world is fantastic If you have rich friends living there.
The biggest risk of all is not taking one.
I think that the old rule that you should never spend more than 30% of your income on your mortgage still stands. Most people though ignore it which is why they find themselves upside down most of the time.
You will never be happy until you’re able to say what you mean and mean what you say.
I think having a daughter changes a man more than a wife ever does.
Isn’t it still racist if you cut someone slack because if their race?
Change does not come about without some inconvenience.
How do college athletes afford those hair extensions?
Speaking of sports, how many games do you think a kicker should play before somebody explains the game of football to them?
You can play any song you want on the radio as long as your explanation of why you’re playing it is interesting.
I think that the only thing going on in radio today is figuring out how to be the “last man standing.”
If were serious about climate change don’t you think we should be ragging on Mexico, China, and India rather than beating ourselves up about it all the time?
The real money is in getting people to like you not love you.
There are six sides to every argument, but unfortunately, most people only see things through their Republican or Democratic eyes.
Much much more @ and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio. Go ahead and share and continue to comment.

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