Geo’s Media Blog. (The birth of K103 Part I ) 8/27/18

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While writing about the owner of Fairbanks Broadcasting the other day, I couldn’t help but think about when I first became involved in radio station ownership. Our company which was called Fairwest was having a great run but it was time to turn that success into some brick and mortar.

The first radio deal we put together was for KKCW, (K-103) which was a brand new facility in Portland Oregon. In no time, it became a great radio station, especially when the legendary Craig Walker joined us for mornings. (I’ll tell his story next week) When Craig retired years later, some classy friends of mine, Bruce, John, & Janine not only continued the tradition, but I believe they may have even turned it up a notch. Now some thirty years later, not only is K-103 still great, it’s still #1.
Back when I was involved with K-103, I had no idea that all of my radio dreams had already come true. I should have hung it up then rather than flying all over the country consulting. I mean, what more could one want than owning a radio station that not only went  #1 in its first year of existence but was also located in one of the most beautiful places on earth.
While we were growing K-103, I got to make a lot of pleasurable visits to Portland which wasn’t tough as most seeing as I lived just down the road in San Diego. However, I soon discovered that how I visualized ownership worked, wasn’t how it worked. On one of my station visits, our sales manager was the designated driver who got to pick me up at the airport.The station was located on the other side of town and as we crossed the bridge that leads into the downtown area, I noticed that the whole riverfront was being restored. It looked like they were building several new shops, some restaurants, and even a beautiful boutique hotel right on the riverbank. When I asked the SM if he knew when the hotel was due to open, he said, “It’s already open and in fact, we have trade there.” I, of course, couldn’t help but ask, “Then why am I not staying there?” His answer which froze me was, “Oh, that’s just for clients.”
A few days later, I got to ask my old boss Jim Hilliard what I was doing wrong? Jim, I said, “In this deal, I’m Mr. Fairbanks, but as I recall, Mr. F always stayed at the Ritz or the 4 Seasons. Jim responded, “George, your problem is you don’t have me, If I left it up to any of the staff to book Mr. Fairbanks a hotel room, he’d be lucky if he got to stay at a Motel 6.”



If anybody’s begging for a real estate crash, it’s California.

You know you’re gonna have a bad year when even the people who never planned on paying you, aren’t buying.

At his worst, in one year, Tiger can make more money than he’ll ever need.

Isn’t it crazy how many theories there are about what the Beatles should have done but none on how you become as good as them?

Its always been about the Game Of Thrones its never been about how to sell it.

Worrying’s fixed nothin’.

The truth always shows up when you’re finally willing to walk.

Salespeople are very good at selling what they consume.

You can run from your responsibilities but you can’t hide from the consequences.

When the big go small it’s time to go big. Right, Bruce?

Making good decisions comes from the experience of making bad ones first.

What if Mother Nature intended for global warming to show up so she can get on with what’s next?

If morning folks had the ability to interrupt themselves, I believe a lot of them would.

Do you remember when the airways used to belong to the people?

I’ve never seen or heard a success story where the radio station was led by the sales folks.

I love humorous radio but hate jokes.

Sometimes the lady wears the dress sometimes the dress wears the lady.

I’m not sure that Justin’s daddy was a good Prime Minister but he sure was cool.

I bet my grandparents wish that all they had to do was bitch like they do in America about the conditions instead of having to leave Great Britain.

If mother nature intended us to end up brown, why didn’t she start us out that way?

So Canada, what do you think about the fact that the Saudis kicked your Ambassador out of Saudi Arabia because the Canadian government criticized the arrest of women’s rights activists? I’m feelin’ proud.

#PoliticallyIncorrect #LifeLiner comments plus some #Radio stuff above. Much more @ On Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio. Sharing and commenting is appreciated. If you would like to subscribe to Geo’s Blog, simply put your email address in the comment section below.





4 thoughts on “Geo’s Media Blog. (The birth of K103 Part I ) 8/27/18

  1. George, it is obvious that the sales manager / designated-driver did not fear you enough to even ask if you wanted to be booked in the best or to ration your ammunition. You at the very least deserved to have a choice. In my book, he would only ask that type of question once.

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