Well, it’s that time of year again; gotta to call Xfinity and cancel them again because my Wi-Fi bill, as it does every year, went up 30 bucks.
However, I got Sarah from India on the phone this time instead of Bruce. But as Bruce had the year before, Sarah explained that I had just come off the “new customer” promotion plan. (I’ve been coming off it for over ten years now.
After she finally got through her scripted explanation, which I lip-synced with her, I explained, as I do every year, that even though I loved Xfinity’s service, it was just too expensive, so I have no choice but to cancel.
As I knew she would, Sarah asked if I could give her a few moments to see what she could do for me?
“Absolutely,” I responded, and within a few minutes, she was back with a new script, and for the eleventh year in a row, I’m now back on the “New Customer” promotion plan again.
There may be a bunch of reasons not to do something but if you can find one good reason to do something, just do it.
Life becomes much better when you use please and thank you a whole lot.
Billy Bob from Big ‘D’ says, “Geo, just before I die, I want your life to flash before my eyes.”
There is no good gossip; it’s all designed to be destructive.
Hey Mr. radio executive, the accountants have been lying to you, it’s never been about the bottom line; it’s about one person, the listener.
The only thing that affects all of us is the economy; why isn’t Biden working on that full time?
If we only did what we wanted to do, we’d probably do nothing.
Getting someone to listen to the radio should be Radio’s main mission.
The service and attitude of the server are much better when they get paid by tips.
Why does temptation always lead us to a bad place?
Your learning how to accept adversity will change your life.
I heard the word no more often during my recent visit to Canada than I’ve ever heard it in the US.
Only in the movies do the folks who don’t have the higher ground win the battle.
Why does freedom come with so many rules and regulations?
The style of music you play on your radio station tells the folks who you aren’t more than who you are.
How much wrong does a person have to do before they can never be forgiven.
You have to be frightened first before you can become courageous.
Being politically correct goes against mother nature because in order to be happy, you must be able to say what you mean and mean what you say.
What I can’t understand is why America feels more guilt about Black folks than the Native Americans. In Canada, somehow, the French are also in front of their First Nation folks.
Nobody is worry-free.
Fear may be the greatest motivator of all time, but inspiration produces so much more.
Nothing much has changed, women still only control one man, and many men still control many women.
Why wouldn’t the rich guys all over the world know each other?
Some of my happiest days were spent living in Coronado, especially after being told by everybody that I was crazy to leave Indiana.
There are two ways to make America great, get rid of Lobbyists and limit political contributions because it’s the only way we can force the politicians to hear us.
Brent Farris of KZST in Sonoma County recently told me that I must be a shitty teacher because, after more than 30 years, he still doesn’t understand half of what I say.
Oh did I mention that the Grey Cup Champion Winnipeg Blue Bombers are 8-0 so far this season? Go Big Blue!
Most men are sexist until they fall in love, and then they become totally pussy whipped. Sad.
Bill Gardner: That’s TWO of my absolute favorite humans, who both deserve the fun and pleasure of each other’s.company! Safe travels, boys! (Bucket List)
Geo: It turned out great, Bill.
Warren Cosford: My Father was 90 when he Bused Winnipeg West to Vancouver and then Motorhomed to California. The Advantage of Busing was that every 24 hours another Bus would arrive. This meant that he could visit in Regina as long as he wanted, providing he left at 4 PM on whatever day he wanted to leave. Could I do that with Trains? I’d take a Train over a Bus if only because with a Train, I could likely take My Bicycle. That’s what I did while Truckin’.
Of course, another advantage with Trucking was that they paid me. Until Elizabeth had her Heart Attack, we were thinking of Retiring in The Truck and then living in a Senior’s Home…wherever.
My Deal with Dispatch was…I’ll live in The Truck, I have no ‘Home’ to go to. But I expect you to take me wherever I want to go and let me stay there for at least 48 hours.
They agreed.
Then when Dylan was drafted into Junior Hockey in Oregon, he played from between Calgary/Vancouver to Las Vegas/LA., and Dispatch would get me Wherever providing I gave them a week’s notice.
Meanwhile, thanks to all the Markets I was driving through. I was also doing a little Radio Consulting…..which is how Liz Janik and Bob Segarini got jobs at Slaight’s Sirius Canada.
Trains may be on the way
Within a few years, we’ll be welcoming Canadians on board a new fleet of trains in the Québec City – Windsor corridor. Read the latest news. Sustainable … VIA Rail Canada (Reg&Geo’s Most Excellent Adventure)
Geo: Good stuff, Warren.
Paul Cavenaugh: Yo George
I think you left a couple of points missing…
On the subject of old rich white people, there are simply so many more of them to attack! At least we agree on Tom Cruise. He can only play one character. An Angry White Guy!
As for Trump. What planet are you on, George? Joe Biden has clearly aged beyond usable function. Still, he is a safer choice over Evil.
And, I would let our mutual Congressman Lois Frankel babysit my Grandchildren…
Oh, and a question you brought up last week. If I just met myself for the first time, what would I think?
I would immediately be impressed by my warmth, openness, intelligence, and integrity. I’ll even take it so far as Yes…I would consider sex with me! (Daddy’s Day)
Geo: You’re always a hoot, Paul. Love ya, man!
Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect inside look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, and Life, written primarily with men in mind.
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