What a busy week but more importantly, all is more than well with the Johns family.
I just reconnected with my brother Reg who flew into West Palm Beach from New Hampshire for a visit so we also got to hook up with old friend, Tim Reever who is currently the GM at Legends Radio here in West Palm. (Tim is pictured below with me and Reg)A couple of days after Reg arrived my Grandson Nathaniel flew in from LA so Reg and I got to take him to a spring training game between the Mets and Marlins. (Nathaniel and Uncle Reg are pictured at the game below.)
The next day, Nathaniel, Reg, and I boarded American Airlines for Boston where once again, I took Nathaniel College shopping.
The first morning in Boston he rented a bike and toured Boston College by himself while my brother and I drove to New Hamshire to hook up with my niece Christina and my sister-in-law, Savvy. The following day, Nathaniel and I toured Harvard together.
While in Boston, we also took in a Bruins game which was the first Hockey game ‘N’ had ever seen and it was a good one, not only was it Boston-style rowdy, but Boston also won. (See photo above)
Early the next morning Nathaniel and I boarded the train to New Jersey to visit Princeton for a couple of days before heading for DC where Nathaniel took a peek at Georgetown University.
I was cold and exhausted for most of the trip so when we boarded the train for an overnighter back to West Palm Beach, I was a very happy camper. (Nathaniel is pictured above at Princeton, in Washington DC, and at Harvard).

If you’re already happy then you’re more successful than most of the people on the planet. Congratulations!
When you get everything you want, what you won’t want is what happens next.
What will be said about you after you’re gone?
Intuition creates things not logic.
Why does, “What I shoulda said” always come to you too late?
I find it very revealing that the presidents only take credit for the low price of gas but never the cost of gas as it rises out of control.
If you don’t want anybody to know about it, don’t do it.
You can see more if you really want to.
Always question authority.
Family is everything.
Most successful entities stop doing what made them successful.
The longer you take to do something, the harder it is to do.
In order to become successful, one must make sacrifices.
Your reputation will outlive you.
One of the similarities between the Airlines and Amtrak is that neither seems anxious to leave.
The only way women are truly going to be equal is when they take responsibility for some of their failures.
My brother Reg recently mentioned to me that what he liked best was that I went to work everyday prepared to clean out my office.
I find it amazing that companies can take your money instantly but take four weeks to refund it.
I remember when I never missed watching the Oscars, now I can’t remember the last time I did.
We all change whether we want to or not, it’s part of the deal.
I wonder how much incompetence is hidden behind safety regulations?
Even though its never worked, the easiest format in the world to sell to radio station owners is, “The Much More Music Morning Show” format.
Geo: I wanted them all to cook, Rick, but unfortunately they needed to use my recipe.
Geo: Ya better hurry Doc cuz we’re runnin’ out of time.
Geo: Thanks for taking the photo Bob, it’s the only one I’ve got from my time at ‘TR.
Our new 100,000-watt CHR in that gorgeous 26 station “Class C” region of beautiful Northwest Michigan went from zero to #1 overall in just nine months! Suddenly we were visited by luminaries like John Lynch (San Diego), Joe Parish (WPLJ), Tom Merriman (the TM in “TM”), and a bunch more. I was one lucky guy and gladly credited our amazing staff, several of whom had left Detroit to view the Bay! (A Happy Ending)
Geo: I wonder where the luminaries go to hear good radio now, Tim?
Geo: I remember it being a very happy establishment, John.
Geo: I do not, Mr. McLane, I never listened to the competition in fear that I would react to something they did instead of staying on my planned course.
Geo: You got that right, Mr. Earl.
Bruce Devine: Don LaBrecht really did look like Baby Huey, not sure what was all about, going all the way to Charlotte, NC, to hire a guy to program James Last records (Stay Focused)
Geo: The way it worked Bruce was, a head hunter had lined up a bunch of Americans to fill two positions, Program Director of CHFI and Program Director of CFTR, but at the last minute, Ted Rogers demanded that I be checked out because I was a Canadian. It turned out that I was more American than any of the Americans.
Buzz Barnett: Boy, George, I marvel at Your adventurous and exciting travelogues, especially THIS one! A Tim Horton’s Americano for Everybody!! You’re a master at conveyance wherever and whenever You travel. I always get the beginning, middle, and end, just like You taught Me so very well! I appreciate You, George, and God’s Abundant Blessings to You and Your Fab Fam!! (Tour de Universite)
Geo: You’re too kind, Buzzy.