Radio Geo’s Media Blog. (This One’s for My Brother) 11/07/22

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So when my brother Reg recently said to me, “Hey Bro, I’ve heard all your stories, could you just go with your Life-Liners?”
My immediate thought was; if a woman said that, I’d be shopping for a new woman, but because I don’t know where you shop for a new brother,  I decided to go for it.


I wish my Father were alive today for a lot of reasons, but one of them would be to tell him that he was wrong when he told me that if you weren’t sweating, you weren’t working. If he was here today, I’d say, ” No, Dad, if you’re sweating, you don’t know what you’re doing.”

Has any country with low-hanging fruit ever invented or created anything of substance? Hey, maybe they didn’t need it?

Can you believe that five hundred thirty-five people who live in DC are protected by Homeland Security, the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, DEA, ATF, U.S. MARSHALLS, The Coast Guard, and the armed forces? Unfortunately, the rest of us (330 million) are protected by the local police. What’s wrong with that picture?

Is it ok to lie if it protects the ones you love?

Loyalty is everything.

Does anybody know how many wars the CIA has started and why?

Of the six women I was in love with during my life, only one of them sent me birthday greetings. However, one of them has passed, so she gets a pass; the rest, not so much.

Therapists always claim that it’s not your fault, but what if it is?

How do the kids of wealthy people get to go to Harvard? They can’t all be that smart. What’s that, you say? They have the same name as the new wing that was recently added.

In the early ’70s, was there anything sweeter than an “Eldo” ragtop?

Evolution is invisible; revolution is not.

In 1968, I heard Hey Jude for the first time in CKOM’s production studio. Now here I am in 2022, listening to a lovely instrumental version of it on YouTube but I can’t stay to the end because I’m finally burned out on it.

Surprisingly, I’ve found that most Liberals aren’t very liberal.

Have you noticed that because of social media, more and more people are speaking out, which means that even more people ain’t listening?

Speaking of speaking out, I can’t understand why more Mothers aren’t protesting about Transgenders playing on girls’ teams. Someone is gonna get hurt, and that will certainly bring Dad into the picture.

Speaking of Dads whose daughters got hurt, if he hits a guy who thinks he’s a girl who hurt her, does the law say he hit a boy or a girl? Asking for a friend.

I know some folks that are so far left that they accuse some of their fellow Democrats of being Trumpers.

Who’s the real woman you fell in love with, the one you began dating or the one you married?

Some of the NFL coaches may have coached in college, but it’s pretty obvious they didn’t attend a class.

I think that most Americans would prefer “The best person for the job” rather than diversification.

When a woman does everything she can to get pregnant, why should that become a responsibility for the man involved?

I know that Gay men don’t speak for me, so I can’t help but wonder why Lesbians think they speak for women.

The only thing Black Americans have in common with Black Canadians, Britains,  Parisians, and Africans is the color of their skin.

Getting mad at the right person at the right time sometimes produces the right result.

Why do we feel better when we find out that someone is doing worse than we are?

My being for men has little to do with women.

The only folks who take the radical left seriously are the extreme right, and they’re getting very pissed.

How do the American Oil Companies justify record profits every time the Saudis put the oil price up?

I guess the only people black folks can’t say anything bad about are the Jews. huh?

Speaking of Kanye, back in the day, just before Ronnie closed all the Asylums, two guys in a van wearing white smocks would have already picked him up and whisked him away. He would have looked great in that jacket with the extra-long sleeves.

How much help can you expect from those who do everything by the book?

I wonder what percentage the artist gets of the ticket price?

Charities usually do a much better job than the government during disasters because they get more bang for their buck. The government just throws money at the situation.

What the hell do all the birds do during a hurricane?

It is said that rich old white guys run the world. Well, I’ve got two of them going for me, so I guess two out of three ain’t bad.

What do girls/women hope to achieve by screaming when they’re frightened or excited?

I wonder why nobody challenges the FCC about the fact that there are very few local radio stations anymore; kinda un-American, don’t ya think?

Opportunity is sometimes cleverly disguised as trouble.

So Hollywood, has your always putting black people in positions of power in your movies changed anything? What say the Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asians?

I wonder what the car insurance companies did with all that money they saved when we didn’t drive for two years?

While growing up, I was trained to hunt, but even though I did it well, I never heard thank you. All I heard about were the things I didn’t do.

Well, I guess it’s that time of year already; the Christmas decorations at the Outlet Mall, where my daughter Cami works, are up.

When you remove the constraints, you free up the bad guys.

I think that one of the toughest things in the world to do is to forgive. Still trying.

Radio Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect inside look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, and Life, primarily written with men in mind.
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6 thoughts on “Radio Geo’s Media Blog. (This One’s for My Brother) 11/07/22

  1. Jed Duval: George: When the original and second-generation (post-W.W. II) F.C.C. bureau chiefs retired, these radio and TV engineers were replaced by career Washington attorneys, beholden to the political party chieftains that helped get them appointed. After 1974, in my opinion, the F.C.C. more than ever became a political puppet. Yes, engineers are still a part of the staff, but prior to 1974, the process was more by the book and rather objective, except in those areas where Congressional mandates had begun to interfere with the ownership policies (like TV-newspaper cross-ownership). The F.R.C. / F.C.C. commissioners were always political appointees, but they were far more involved with the issues of best use of the spectrum and licensees “serving the public interest, convenience and necessity”. Today, sadly, political pull and lobbying (i.e. money) are what goes on outside of the hearing rooms of the F.C.C.
    Geo: A sad tale, Jed.

  2. Doug Thompson: Listen to “Hey Jude” one more time, George. At 2:57, just after the line, “Remember to let her under your skin”, I believe it’s Paul McCartney who says (way in the background), “Oooh, fu**ing hell!). It’s been there forever. (This One’s For My Brother)
    Geo: It takes a pair of award-winning ears to pick that stuff up, Dougie, and you’ve sure got ’em.

  3. Bill Gardner: I can actually hear Reg’s voice saying, “I’ve heard all your stories. Just get on with your life liners.” Hilarious!
    And for those of you who read this and haven’t met or worked with Reg Johns, trust me, there are TWO brilliant Johns brothers! I’ve had the pleasure of working for both.
    Love you guys! (This One’s For My Brother)
    Geo: Bill, it was a pleasure getting you coffee as you worked your magic on the radio. I’m sure Reg agrees.

    • You’re way too kind, George. I DO know my on-air successes got a little more magical each time I worked with a man named “Johns.”
      Both of you are incredibly brilliant at providing leadership when you sometimes don’t even know it’s happening! I’m guessing that’s also called “inspiration.”
      Geo: Now you’ve got me blushing, Bill. 🙂

  4. Doug Herman: “No, Dad, if you’re sweating, you don’t know what you’re doing.” That, or you’re waiting for the first rating book on a new format you’ve rolled out that everybody said would never work, but you’re pretty sure you knew better. (My Brother)
    Geo: I “sweated” a couple or three of those books, Doug.

    • Doug Herman: Haven’t we all? Jack McCoy and I occasionally had to turn to Scotch when we turned loose a new, un-tried promotion on somebody’s major market station. (For My Brother)
      Geo: I think I was that “Somebody” for a couple of them, Doug. 🙂

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