Sexual Harassment ! (new Blog for Dec 19/16) #1 My most read Blog in 2016.

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11902455_10154148285489307_526059211182594647_nBack when I was a kid living in Transcona I had my own band called the Jury but even though we made pretty good money my father always insisted that I have a real job. As he told me many times, “Johns men work for a living we don’t play guitar so consequently I’ve had several part time jobs including the one I liked best which changed my life, working part time at CKY in Winnipeg.
The Jury were quite popular which led to us getting a record deal and releasing four records but when “Please Forget her/Who Dat?” came out it really caused me a problem when it became the #1 Canadian record in Canada. This got us an American release which was good but the bad part was that the record company wanted us to go on tour to promote it which forced me make a choice. By this time I was married with a child on the way so when my daughter Candis was born I decided that it was time to leave the band and give radio a shot. This turned out to be a smart move because I was much better at radio than I ever was making music.
Upon hearing of my departure from The Jury, Randy Bachman (Guess Who & Bachman Turner Overdrive pictured above with me and Fred Turner had the Hard Rock Casino in Ft. Lauderdale when they recently played there.) called to try and recruit me for the Guess Who but I just laughed. I told him that I was very flattered by his offer but if I wasn’t the leader of the Jury they probably would have dumped me long ago so if I’m hardly good enough for them I’m definitely not good enough for you guys. Randy said that he could easily teach me the music but what the Guess Who needed from me was all those other things I do.
It’s as Tom Brady once said on SNL, “If you’re gonna sexually harass somebody you better be good looking.”
Why do men always feel compelled to tell a woman that she has a great ass? I think they already know, that’s why they’re showing it.
If you’re not living with a woman or expecting one to show up anytime soon are you still expected to put the toilet seat down?
While thinking about how to change the world you might want to give some consideration on how to have a good time while doing so.
One of the key elements of greatness is enthusiasm.
In Hollywood it doesn’t matter where you went to college.
The only thing I like about guns is that the bad guys may be worrying about who else has one.
Is it just me or does the news on TV now resemble the tabloids at the checkout counter?
The best and worst thing that will ever happen to you is falling in love but the joy in the beginning far outweighs the sadness if it ends.
Most business contracts have a clause about if things don’t work out how you get out of it. I think the same should be true of marriage.
I love the lyric in a Chris Stapleton song, “you only need to drink when the whiskey is the only thing you have left to hold.”
I don’t know any man who grew up dreaming about financing a woman’s dream of having a baby.
I wonder what the songwriting royalties are for “We Are The Champions.”
Why do we assume that if a person in a foreign country burns the American flag that they hate the USA but it’s only freedom of speech if an American does it?
When I first started consulting I had a station in LA and I knew things were gonna be a little different when the sales manager picked me up in a Ferrari.
You’ll never be completely happy until what you think and what you say are exactly the same.
The only good thing about having nothing is the creative freedom it gives you ’cause you ain’t got nothing to lose.
All that counts is what you got done, not how hard you worked.
My grandson Nathaniel goes to a special school called Polly Tech which is just down the street from Cal Tech. As we were driving by Cal to attend grandparents day I asked him if they Cal Tech had a football team he replied … No, they’d break their glasses.
Nothing special ever came out of something compromised.
If you can tell what party the newscaster voted for you’re watching a bogus newscast.
The definition of a good coach is a person who tells you what you don’t wanna hear, shows you what you don’t want to see, and insists that you do what you don’t wanna do so that you can become the person that you most wanna be.
Being afraid to make a mistake is the biggest mistake of all.
Why do depressed people always have the biggest and best smiles?
Unfortunately, there are seldom any indicators that tell you that something wonderful is about to happen said the Butterfly to the Caterpiller. 
Intelligent people are full of doubt whereas dumb ones are always full of confidence.
If gifted people don’t add a little science to their act they’ll end up penniless like Mozart.
If you need to get noticed just get in the it’s my fault line the other is a way too long.

It takes an emotional experience before anyone changes.

Lots more @ On twitter @GeoOfTheRadio


3 thoughts on “Sexual Harassment ! (new Blog for Dec 19/16) #1 My most read Blog in 2016.

  1. Hey Geo
    Loved today !
    in town now , got here last week .
    let me know if the boys are doing a lunch again .
    nice shot of Fred , You and Randy ,

    • Welcome back to Florida Gary I’m in California for Christmas. I hope you and your enjoy our version of Christmas spent on the beach. The photo was from B&T played the Hard Rock in Florida. geo

  2. I would say be your observations, Mozart, Beethoven, Elvis, Brian Wilson and the Beatles rarely, if ever compromised, and certainly Sir George Martin might have been the greatest coach ever, right up there with John Wooden.

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