Angela Manfredi waxed poetic when she wrote this.
I read this with wonder.
It filled me with glee.
The travels, the stations…
And little ol’ me!
Your coaching is brilliant.
Your humor, divine
I appreciate your wisdom
And that you enjoy wine!
We’re lucky to know you
I apply your technique
No DJ delivery
Just pure Magnifique!
(Or will be soon.) 🙂
Art Vuolo wrote on my Blog, George, after reading your travel log, I was SO tired…I felt like going to bed. You ARE amazing! Did you stay safe and virus-free during this pilgrimage??? I hope so. Take care and be well.
Paul Barsky wrote, Cami…..Congrats on your graduation! Your dad is so proud of you, and you’ve got the Johns genes, so you’ve got an excellent head start as you look toward this new journey.
Bill McDonald commented on my blog, Nothing bigger than father/daughter. Nothing better. Happy to see you are so blessed, George.
Billy Bob Harris commented; I love your energy and sense of adventure, George……I find it challenging to walk across the street to Whole Foods even though there are pretty girls
there most of the time, but you inspire me, George, so I’m heading that way now !!!
Lindy Rome commented on my blog: Hey Geo – I’m honored to be in your blog titled “…To The Ones I Love.” Right back at ya, my friend. 🙂 That said, this “leading” stuff is getting tiresome. I think I’m ready to follow!
Rolly Blaquiere of The Jury wrote on Radio Geo’s Media Blog that I think a parent has a say over any child being supported and living under their roof until they reach the age of 21, when major maturity hopefully kicks in. I know they say you don’t love me anymore when they hear “no,” but that’s what a parent’s responsibility is all about. These tats are getting out of hand and are a rebellion against parental control to brag to the other kids that they can do what they want, not what their parents want. Are you sorry you asked?
Bob Glasco: I always like your stuff, George, but this one about characters was the most entertaining so far. As for radio today, the talent seems to be focused on nothing but their internet presence and the next concert coming to town. Few seem to realize their listeners will bond with them if they give them something they can’t get anywhere else: their unique take on the day’s topics.
Buster Bodine (RIP) Commented on my blog: Those days at WNAP in Indy and again at KPRI in San Diego were some great times, George. Thank you for it.
Jack Schell ranted: When you’re on hold, and you hear “your call is very important to us, thank you for holding” Do you think they really mean it!), whenever I hear the on-hold recorded speaker – for the tenth time – say, “…someone will be with you momentarily.”, I usually shout, “WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION OF MOMENTARILY?”
Bruce Buchanon commented on my blog. Regarding WRMF: I remember one sales lady approaching me one morning, shortly after the format change from Rock J98 to Adult Contemporary WRMF. She was wearing a black evening dress with 4-inch heels, crying, and clearly had some white powder under her nose. Since there were new rules on what advertisers we would now accept, and most of her clients were head shops and bars, she asked, “How will I make my BMW payment?”
Bruce Devine wrote, Geo; Roger Klein says that when you were at CFRA in Ottawa, “You took Ken The General Grant’s uniform Away? 🙂
Dick Taylor wrote on my blog: Loved your Life liner: Why do the worst-sounding commercials always seem the easiest to sell. *** Ain’t that the truth! Moreover, because they didn’t spend any money on the creative, they have a ton to spend running them. And if they also happen to be running for political office, we have to give them the lowest ad rates on the station, allowing them to buy even more air time. And when the ratings go in the tank, no one goes lookin’ for the sales guy, do they, Geo?
Doc Harris wrote on my Blog: Cami, like many others here, I have never met you but have spied on your life through your Dad. He and I worked together in Saskatoon, Sudbury, and Toronto, and he helped me build what turned out to be a very successful career.
As you go through life, always know that man will be there for you. He loves you very, very much; that’s obvious. With that behind you, there’s nothing you can’t do!
Doug Chappell (RIP) wrote on Radio Geo’s Media Blog, George; I learned a big lesson playing in a band and later in the record biz…the best players are not always the best bandmates. You’re on stage for about an hour but must live and deal with the other band members for the additional 23. I learned never to replace an adequate player who is an excellent bandmate with a great player because it can break the “one for all and all for one” feeling.
Doug Erickson commented, “Encouragement works much better than criticism.”
You’re a wise man, George. Wish I’d known you earlier in my career.
Greg Tantum wrote on my blog; Thanks to you, George! I got to play in both sandboxes, The Radio Magazine on KOGO and The Class format on FM. Oh yeah, then, for added fun, I trusted Joe Gillespie to build an all-news format from the ground up! (all fueled a bit by our after-work “conferences” in your office.)
Pat O’Day (RIP) wrote; Thanks so much, George, for another great year of fun, enjoyable, and knowledgeable reading.
As I write this, I can still see you sitting in my Seattle living room when I wanted to hire you as my consultant, and you said, “Pat, why would you hire me? You know more than I do.” What a humble statement, and it’s typical of you.
Give my best to Jim Hilliard when you get a chance.
Merry Christmas, Sir! What a winner you are!!! (Seasons Greetings)
Radio Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect inside look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, Religion, and Life, primarily written with men in mind.
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Woody Cooper: Loved hearing from (and about) Doc Harris, Roger Klein, Buster Bodine, Jim Hilliard. & Bruce Buchanon. CKOM, CKSO, CFRA, WNAP & KLLS – easily the best years of my radio life! Thanks for the opportunities, George.
Geo: Wow, the great Woody Cooper checks in. What a ride, huh, Woody/Gary. I’ll never forget that night in Saskatoon with a snowstorm raging, Gary Russell calling me and saying, “You gotta come to the station and hear this tape man!”
Winnipeg Wendy: Thanks for the read George and I’m happy to be included! The River Heights CC played a big part in my teenage years and The Jury was a great band. I enjoyed dancing to your music and seeing you last June while you were in Winnipeg. Take care George and stay well and vital. Rock on Geo!!
Geo: Thanks, Wendy. Those were great times with the Jury.
Good advice to George.