Radio Geo’s Media Blog (Memorable Things I’ve Seen, Read and Heard) Part III of VII. New 5/22/23

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Bill Gardner said that he didn’t think I ever lied to him, but there was a possibility that I may have left out some of the truth.

Russ Morley told me that if sex ever came up at dinner, there’d be none for dessert.

Tom Skinner asked if I’d ever heard of “Client Run.”

Robin Garrett told me that when she rejected some of the tunes Jan Jefferies had picked out for a special Valentine’s show, he said to her, “Robin, you don’t speak for all Women.” “That may be true,” she replied, “But you don’t speak for any.”

Ed Shadek told GM Jack Collins, “If George Johns or any of his people didn’t like a commercial, neither did the Shadeks.”

Jack Collins, in turn, said, “George, I shouldn’t tell you this, but the sales department doesn’t work for us; they work for the client.”

Cat Simon wrote; So Blessed to have been part of such a small part of it all. To witness the magic was amazing. Things we will never see again; The Beatles, Elvis, and Ron Chapman. RIP. 

When a reporter asked Keith Elshaw, “What was it like working with George Johns?” Keith answered, “The talent loved him, the salespeople hated him, and management feared him.”

Buzz Barnet wrote, Beloved RadioGeo, Format crafting aside, You now deserve credit & kudos for “bucket list lust”!!Just livin’ the dream thru Your adventures & imagination.

Jarl Mohn claimed that when I told him what was happening in the halls would soon creep onto the airwaves, it became the cornerstone of his “E” Entertainment creation.

Al Mair told me he came to Saskatoon to buy me dinner because he didn’t think I’d be there long.

Ivan Braiker claims that what I didn’t do on the radio made my stations sound so good.

Don Walker wrote that if it were up to Ed Shadek, we’d all still live in San Diego. Ed was such a pragmatist…When I approached him about taking Presidents’ Day off, Ed paused and said we’ve never done that in the past, but, oh hell, I’m 59 years old; he said, so I don’t have that many 3-day weekends left. Let’s do it!

Buzzard Boy Cris Conner said that he kept a clipboard in his car because he knew that his whole show would show up as he drove to work; all he had to do was write it down. 

My Brother Reg Johns told me, “Bro, you’ve got to give up being an ass-hole; you’re not good at it; I know because I’ve worked with the very best.”

Laura Neville wrote, To have Cami give you as a father the honor of always having a piece of you with her is the best form of a tattoo anyone could ever have. I say go for it and make it memorable for both of you.

Ted Rogers told me that to become even more successful, sometimes you have to leave behind those who made you what you are.

Gordon Zlot disagrees with Ted; he thinks you should take care of those who bring ya.  

Dave Charles wrote, This creative radio gallery of talent is why you had a brilliant career, George, and you knew a favourite of mine Cactus Jack Wells. What a voice presence.

Lawrence Amaturo recently said, “I need some George Johns energy at my radio stations.”

Tim Moore wrote on my blog,  At 29, arriving in Dallas to assume my role as VP of Sales for the TM Companies, I was enveloped by the “KVIL / Ron Chapman” buzz in the halls on Regal Row; I asked myself, “geez…how great could this be? I’ve grown up on CKLW, WLS, and WRIF!”
I listened for a week and thought, “Nice show but not a big deal.” Then I listened for two months, stood back, and said, “This is the most brilliantly conceived show on the most brilliantly conceived radio station in America.” Now I understated it.

Tracy Johnson told me when we first met that he was tired of hearing my name. It seems that whenever he asked Jeff and Jer to do something they didn’t want to, they’d say, “George Johns told us twenty years ago never to do that kinda stuff cuz it’ll ruin our careers.

Linda Duffy wrote, I still remember the day George asked me to send you one of his one-liner zingers. It was supposed to read, “Are you still short?” Only I typed and sent, “As you still short?” I thought he was going to shoot me.

Earl Mann commented; I’ve never known anyone surrounded by more beautiful women than you, my friend. Linda Duffy is just another example on a long list …Her beauty would make most men ‘nervous’ – which is why I guess there’s shvitz in the pits….haha.

David Wolfe wrote, George, If you have a Fairwest reunion, do I qualify? I spent three years at Fairwest – went to STAR in Milwaukee to handle the incoming police calls and keep Cat Simon calm, went to Norfolk with the gift catalog, went to Montreal with the interactive phone, went to Kansas with the credit card affinity program, went to Transtar to oversee the Music of Your Life music rotation and keep Gary Freis calm, and on weekends ran 10ks with you using Reg’s Mercedes. (Unfortunately, while we were running in Balboa Park, the Mercedes went to Texas).

Joasia Holotka wrote, “I’m still waiting for the beauty and brains to pay off simultaneously???”

Jimmy Darin told me when I was the board op on a show called “Ask the Pastor” that the way to get big ratings was by my slowly fading the vile remarks some perverted callers would be making to the Pastor. The slower the fade, he said, the higher the ratings.

Jim Davis wrote, Further addendum to your “Three Words Women Like to Hear”:- “You’re right.” -“I’m wrong.” -“And I’m sorry.”

Dick Robinson:Commented; Top Of the Mornin George. God Bless You! THANK YOU! Let us read this thoughtful Epistle… ONE MO TIME!! (Psychic)

Radio Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect inside look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, and Religion, but mostly Life, primarily written with men in mind.
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