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247002_10151878371684307_1534469733_n3941443_10151878371704307_282448850_n3When Candis was about to give birth to my Grandson Nathaniel, I headed out to LA and upon my arrival I was informed that I would be dining with her which was a bit of a surprise seeing as they were inducing labor the next day. Even more surprising was that she also wanted me to take her to work so that she could tie up one last loose end before she became a Mom. Her husband Charlie and her Mother had advised her to forget about work and concentrate on the upcoming birth of her son instead but she told me that it would only take a minute or two and seeing as neither of my Daughters have never heard the no word from me we headed over to Warner Brothers where she was the Domestic and International Director of licensing. I wandered around the halls looking at all the gold records hanging there and true to her word within a few minutes came out of her office with a box set of CD’s in her hand which she handed to me with a tear in her eye and said, now I am done!
The box set was called “British Bands and Beyond” which surprisingly contained Who Dat? which was by my band The Jury. Candis then said to me … Dad your Grandson is going to be so proud when he discovers that his Buppa was once a rock star.
Nathaniel’s arrival into the world went well and he looked beautiful so I headed back to Florida. I picked Cami up from school the next day and recounted for her all the details of her Nephew’s birth and also of course about the wonderful CD Candis had given me and excitedly slipped the CD into the player so she could hear it. I pushed play and Terry Kenny’s thundering guitar soon filled the car with sound but as I was singing along Cami tapped me on the shoulder and she asked if it was almost over. When I asked why she wanted to know she said … It’s not very good Daddy!

I think the passive folks pretty well have the PC thing down but I don’t see many Alpha types buying into it. Seeing as the “A” types generally turn out to be the leaders of our society and the passives are the followers how long do you think this PC stuff lasting.

Speaking of PC, as wimpy speaking as we are around the world now doesn’t seem to have changed the fact that we are still hated but of course they continue to take our money.

Speaking of money would you give any of your money to people who hate you. Well you do!

Do other countries practice PC tactics like we do.

When I moved to America from Canada I adapted to the American life style. I guess I moved here to soon eh?

The only person working on your happiness is you so you better get after it.

Time is the great healer if you give it time.

Isn’t it funny how no matter how much plastic surgery some women have done or how much makeup they wear they still look ugly because the ugliness they have inside them just kinda oozes out.

It takes a lot of creativity to make the complicated simple and the other way around of course.

The sexiest part of a woman’s body is her face.

Of all the great things you may do with your life all that will be noticed are your mistakes.

You are free to choose but you are not free from the consequences of your choices.

As far as I can tell the Democrats and Republicans are only together on one thing, campaign funding.

One of the ways you die is when you let the child inside of you die.

You can’t learn from your mistakes until you stop denying them.

A good woman is one who resists telling you that she has heard all your amazing life stories several times already.

Where you went to High School is your home town not where you were born.

Why is it that the fewer the customers the worse the service because the staff scurries about doing nothing.

Why do women date married men even though they claim they would never do it. Is it possibly because they think the good ones are already gone.

Even the most helpful people in the world are a hell of a lot more helpful if they can make a few bucks while they are helping you.



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