The Greatest Love Story Ever Told. (new for week of june 29/15)

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The greatest love story I’ve heard was the tale told about Ben Vince meeting Charlotte Hunter for the first time. It seems that my English Grandfather was piloting his train through Scotland when he spotted my Grandmother in a field picking flowers so he immediately stopped the train to go chat her up.
His patter must have gone real well because here they are pictured together many years later in Winnipeg at my Mother and Father’s wedding along with my Mom’s sisters, Isabel and Margaret.


You are who you hang with.
I understand a lot of musicians who scream about people who are pirating their music have no problem watching pirated movies while on the tour bus.
Speaking of musicians, the other day I was watching a tribute which was celebrating the music of legendary Roy Orbison’s featuring a lot of great musical acts doing their versions of his great songs. Two of the acts John lee Hooker and BB King though only did their own stuff which totally mystified me.
Women have no problem getting mean and nasty because after all they were never expected to act like gentlemen.
I’m finally getting much better at resisting broken women but it’s still a struggle.
If you’ve ever wondered what women were really like just ask the mother of a teenage son.
Working is not where the money is, supervising other people’s work is where it’s at.
You’ll never get rich working 9 – 5.
Great people control their life whereas ordinary people’s lives control them.
There is no male more sensitive than me but unfortunately my sensitivity must not be the type most women are looking for.
What the hell does, if you’re easily offended don’t watch/read/listen to this mean.
When I first moved to the US I Americanized my self right away and bought a Caddy. I explained to my wife that we could afford it because the government helped make the payment just like they did the mortgage. Because of this incentive I used to buy a new one every couple of years but when they took it away they also took away my appetite for new cars.
Throughout the ages Mr. businessman has always been a factor but never a memorable one.
So if Shakespeare were alive today in our technological world what would he do differently do you suppose.
I voted for the NDP when I lived in Canada which made our Democrats appear to be right wingers. My boss from the U.S. Jimmy Darin (Hilliard) was a Democrat at the time but by the time we reunited in America we both had changed politically which I think may have had something to do with excessive taxes.
When I worked in Canada income tax was so high that most folks wouldn’t take time and a half in pay for overtime, they took the time and a half in days off which soon caused more overtime because of how many people were enjoying their vacation days.
The French Canadians have always been great hockey players which I don’t really understand because I doubt that France ever even had a hockey team.
When I was but a pup and was at my first Radio Convention in Las Vegas, I saw legendary Chuck Blore for the first time. Chuck was doing a presentation about radio commercials claiming that sometimes spending more than 7 seconds trying to get the product’s point across may in fact spoil the commercial. He then rolled one about after shave which featured an announcer who said, we asked the LA Ladies what they thought about Black Spice and a woman’s voice responded with … OH MY GOD!
Remember the days when a radio station would finally give up and go Religious or Country.
If you sent your next on air break to yourself as an email to yourself then read it on the air, your ratings would go up.
It doesn’t really matter if you like change it’s only how you react to it that counts.
Ideas are worthless without commitment.
I love the gratuitous nudity in Game Of Thrones.
It doesn’t matter how many times you fall it’s about how many times you get up because the goal is to be the last man standing.
The things you care about the most are usually the things you mostly talk about.
The main reason you need to go to school is so that you can discover all the things that were taught to the generation before you that are not true.
People usually fall into one of three categories, those who are for you, those against you, and the biggest category of all, those who don’t give a shit.

Apparently WRMF is just like the South Florida weather, if you don’t like the current owner just wait 5 minutes.

The Supreme Court now says that you can marry anybody who’ll have ya!

More, on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio.  



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