Sometimes My Daughters Make Me Cry!

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Thank you for buying me all the lavish dresses over the years, scaring away every sales lady when I gave you the “look”, sitting for hours when I tried on hundreds of outfits, pursuing through “uppies” even when your arms probably were about to break, answering every phone call no matter the hour or the situation, putting up with my April Fools jokes that gave you heart attacks, all the vacations, activities, sports and hobbies you paid for just to prove I could do anything I wanted, all the life lessons I told you gave me headaches, for all the stories I’ve heard a hundred times and still ask to hear a hundred times more, and for being the chauffeur of teenage girls to every mall, movies, and skatezone trip. Thank you for being the best dad I could ever ask for and letting me have dreams bigger than my 5’1″ self. Happy Father’s Day to the coolest dad and grandpa I know – Camera Anne Johns Summerfield.






4 thoughts on “Sometimes My Daughters Make Me Cry!

  1. How wonderful Cami expresses herself so well and takes the time to remember all the things you did to show your love for her. You and her Mother must have done something right as a lot of children may think this, but don’t stop and put it down on paper. (perhaps not until after their demise) Not many men I know have taken such a big role in the raising of their children. A big Hi-Five George.

    • My goal was always to be a better father than mine was Em. Then when I got a chance to do it all over again I tried to be a better father than I was.

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