Sleeping With An 8th Grader (new for Nov 30 /15)

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Sometime after my wife and I had split up and my kids were grown I made a special trip to San Diego to visit with my son Curt. (pictured) He was still living with his mother but the time had come for us to have a father son talk.
The message I was there to deliver was that I no longer was going to be sending him money so he needed to figure out how to take care of himself. I also told him however that whenever he finally decided what he wanted to do with his life and it took some more of education to do so, Dad would definitely pay for that. He claimed that he had being expecting our little chat and had already figured out what he wanted to do and when I excitedly asked what his plan was, he said … I just wanna hang out Dad!


If our government is really concerned about climate change don’t you think it should go after Mexico, China, and India instead and stop beating us up all the time.

​Speaking of Mexico how come nobody is slamming the President of Mexico for the fact that his citizens are fleeing his country by the thousands.

​All that’s going on in radio today is figuring out how to be the last man standing when every body is fired.

​On air folks have to figure out how to get the people to just like them not love them. There’s no money in having them love you because it’s impossible to get enough people to love you to become successful.

You can almost play any song you want on the radio as long as your explanation of why is interesting.​

​If a teacher is caught sleeping with an 8th grade student what should the punishment be.

​A very dear friend of mine who is not doing well is mostly concerned about how his wife will do after he is gone rather than his well being. I wonder if wives have the same concern.

​How many games does a team have to lose before they finally decide to teach the kicker how to play football.​

​How do those college football players afford all those hair extensions.

​Change does not come about without some inconvenience.

​Is it still racist if you cut someone some slack because of their race.

Having a wife doesn’t change a man as much as having a daughter does.

​You’ll never be happy until you can say what you mean and mean what you say.

I finally saw the movie “Sniper” which was well acted but I couldn’t remember if it was the Republicans or Democrats who told me that I was not supposed to like it.

There are six sides to every argument but unfortunately most Americans only see things through their Democrat or Republican eyes.

The rule of never spending more than 30% of your take home pay on your mortgage has never changed but I think a lot of people have ignored it.

The biggest risk of all is never taking any.

If you have rich friends living there every place on our planet is wonderful.
I know a whole lot about very little.
The Beatles never dreamed big enough so they flamed out early.
Opportunity always needs some help before presenting itself.
How come the people who have absolutely nothing to say, take so long to say it. OK I’ll try to edit.
It’s a lot easier to communicate your point of view when you use a poem, a song, a movie, a play, a dance, a painting, a sculpture, or a photograph to do so with but sometimes a kiss does it best of all.
I understand that women always talk about sex until men show up.
Speaking of sex, a woman’s memory usually only goes back five love affairs.
A long time ago my Mother told me that I should never spend too much time alone because I have Hermit tendencies. Hey maybe I need to stop doing this Blog and get out there.
Years ago when Delilah had signed a new deal I asked her if she still had all the homes she owned. She told me that she had given them to her staff … Take that Mr. Businessman!
For a sneak peek at upcoming stuff go to and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio.




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