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I hear Bob Pittman is bringing a whole new attitude and maybe even a new culture to CC since the recent departure of Mark Mays. Rumor has it he is telling the local folks that he expects some local creativity to be brought to the table for discussion. That’s a huge and welcome change I am told.

Speaking of change there is a big one in Las Vegas in just one year. Last year I was there for Ron Chapman’s induction into the Radio Hall Of Fame and the service and attitude of all the staff was incredible. This year I was back doing a panel at the NAB and now there seems to be a whole lot less staff and except for the cab drivers they seem very disgruntled.

Cris Conner heard that Matt Lauer and Katie Couric were re teaming soon to do the Yesterday Show

I’ll bend over backwards all the time to help air talent. It’s the bowing down to them that gets a little tedious now and then.

I’m still thinking about the number 1 biller in radio being in Washington. Now let me see, the last time I looked DC was in the 9th market so I’m wondering how can that be. No government money involved, Right?

I would think to be the number one biller in any town would take name talent on air and in sales, promotions, plus a ton of direct business.

I read somewhere that blonde women earn 7% more than other women. Now, how dumb is that?

According to Lee Abrams the foxy 80’s anchors just aren’t shocking anymore now they’re just average.

Speaking of shocking what’s shockingly good radio now and is there a U Tube of it going around.

Randy Michaels told me that the reason morning radio is down according to the PPM device is because the DAMN THING IS IN THE CHARGER while all the morning listening is going on.

A station I work with just informed me that the Jox were on fire because they were giving away $100 bills to the 10th caller every hour. They were all laughing it up and having fun with their listeners as they handed out the free money. Somehow they magically knew just how to promote and tease the whole thing plus sounded like they were having a ball doing it. In fact all on their own they were doing all the things we beg them to do everyday. Management’s question to me now though is … How do we get them to sound this good when we stop giving away the money. Easy answer for me … You’re going to have to inspire them everyday and everyday you’re going to have to come up with a whole new way to do that, or just give them more $100 bills to give away.

The only thing Media, New Media, and Social Media have in common is … A desperate need for content.

I hear Rick Dees is about to get Hot in LA again !

On our panel at the NAB John Gehron said radio wont ever be local again until the programming dictates cease coming from National Corporations.

Kevin Robinson on the same panel said at his cluster in St. Louis each station has it’s own PD and none of them are on the air.

Gary Vidler (Russell) stood up at our session and said that Canadian radio is having some similar problems as we do but radio they still manage to have a lot of live talent on the air.

There is so little new content coming out of American Radio right now that I understand for the first time in history Europeans are trying to sell us their product instead of buying ours.

I believe the only way you can get great ratings is if the person who is in first one every morning and the last to leave at night is in charge.

Ratings are only one of the many tools you need to get big billing numbers.

I wonder if young air talent is still Jonesin’ to get to the Majors like they used to.

Bob Christy said the thing he likes best about not being in radio anymore is he finally feels in charge of his own destiny.

I understand Roy Laughlin and my old partner Bill Yde are getting ready to launch the “Next” big thing in LA.

I always thought that Dan Mason was a PD in San Antonio but he corrected me when we were chatting in Vegas about it that it was in DC where he was a PD. San Antonio was the place he became a GM for the first time. Anyway I just love the part where one of America’s most powerful radio leaders came from programming.

At the moment I am staying at my brother Reg’s magnificent home in Carlsbad Ca. but each time I stay here I feel like poor white trash from Transcona. Wait a minute I am poor white trash from Transcona.

I am on my way to attend a special dinner that marks the 40th anniversary of one of America’s great stations KZST. I salute my good friends Gordon Zlot, Tom Skinner and Brent Farris for managing to bring the big time to Santa Rosa and prove that live and local radio is unbeatable.


  1. Hey George – just because you came from Transcona you are not trash and neither are the rest of us who stayed here. Put on your big boy gotch and suck it up and make the rest of us proud that you made it big. Cheers Jean

  2. Yo George!

    Remember, Blonds may earn 7% more…but it’s still the old bald guys who HAVE Money!
    Love the Matt Lauer/Katie Couric line!

  3. George,

    I should tell you you have a great-looking blog. Who designed it for you?

    Also, do you know anyone well at ClearChannel advertising?

    I hope all is well with you!



  4. George – a true honor to meet you. How did a kid from Whitestown, Indiana get to sit at the same level on a NAB panel with George Johns?

    The gift you gave me will receive a 2011 touch up – I’ll send the results this week!


  5. — Bleached my hair this morning. Hoping to reach 10%, I even did my eyebrows. Just read the part about it referring to ‘women’… now what do I do?

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