Send In The Troubled Ladies. (new for December 14/15)

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One of the biggest mistakes I ever made in radio was by not doing something.
When we first launched CFTR in Toronto one of our board ops was Rick Moranis who used to write funny lines for the air talent plus turn our staff meetings into total disarray with his off the wall humor.
Our midday guy Sandy Hoyt though had Rick’s number and merely had to walk into the room which was enough to make Rick fall to the floor howling with fits of laughter.
My big mistake back then was not being smart enough to put them on together for mornings where they would have made radio history.
Silence can be misunderstood but never misquoted.
I think I may be attracted to troubled women mainly because in the beginning they’re the best at not appearing troubled.
I laugh when when I hear that women are just looking for a sensitive man because there are none as sensitive as me and I scare most of them.
The saddest part about living in America is that it appears that only the middle class believe in right and wrong. The rich and poor seem to only believe in the new scam.
Changing jobs spouses and friends won’t change much if it’s you who needs the changing.
Mysterious women are always very exciting but unfortunately the mystery eventually become tiresome.
Women generally have about a 10 year window to find the man of their dreams.
In order for you to win someone must lose, helping them do that is what you must come up with.
Because I don’t support all liberal causes doesn’t make me a conservative as not supporting all conservative causes doesn’t make me a liberal. I think I’m like a lotta people, a little bit left or a little bit right depending on the cause.
I wonder how many people now wish there was a little more racial profiling going on back when folks were boarding those planes on 911.  
I think what most Americans want is a benevolent dictator so we can stop voting for these lying fools.
Does it make you a little bit nervous that Vegas knows which NFL teams are gonna win and by how much even when the coaches don’t.
Speaking of football and numbers, Canada finally has a bigger number than the US after playing their 103rd Grey Cup. (Canadian Super Bowl) recently.
I’ve heard some 60 second promos on the radio that were a way too long and could have been done in 15 seconds but I’ve also heard some that should have gone on for at least another minute.
A nurse once explained to me that we basically heal ourselves. She claimed that when looking for a Doctor one was searching for an assistant so she advised finding a good one whom you also liked.
Have you ever noticed that when an artist no matter where they are from in the world use an American accent when singing in English.
Speaking of singing there is a huge difference between how you’re supposed to sing an English Hymn and Gospel Music
It’s much easier to point out what’s wrong with something than point out how to fix it.
Have you ever seen any movies where Big Business and/or the Government were the heroes.
The world you live in may in fact be only a figment of your imagination.
Greatest is usually accomplished by a person who is running out of time.
Dying is the only thing that makes life worth living.
I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where you weren’t allowed to lie.
One man walking the talk is more than equal to 50 who are just talking the talk.
If you want it ya gotta ask for it because seldom do nice surprises show up.
In order to have a future one must think about the future.
Just ’cause I didn’t mention it don’t mean I don’t know about it.

Ahh so the Warriors were stopped at 24 by the Bucs huh. Nice run!

Everything exists, we just haven’t discovered it yet.

What’s the purpose of a f**k you account if you never say f**k you.

I begin celebrating the 12 Days Of Christmas by posting my twelve most read Blogs of 2015 beginning Christmas morning.

More at and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio

#12 Wrong But Right Anyway. (from April 27/15)

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Cadillac for some time now has been trying to change it’s image but I wonder if they really know what they’re up against. Case in point, my good friends Jim and Barbara Hilliard (pictured) who live in California seem always to be in the market for a new car. Jim has always been partial to sports cars.
Barbara on the other hand insists that they have a “go to dinner car” which is large enough to accommodate their entire family because she doesn’t go for the driving separate cars to dinner routine. Barb who still looks like a second or even third wife likes to straighten out the affairs of the whole family before they arrive the restaurant so that she can just relax and have a nice dinner. Occasionally when I visit them Jim will drag me out shopping for Barbara’s “go to dinner car” but we always seem to end up at the Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porch, Mercedes, BMW, and Bentley dealers first just in case they have any new sports models that Jim just has to have. Of course by the time we got around to shopping for Barb it would usually would be running late so we only got a quick peek at the big sedans and SUVs so no intelligent decision could be made. Trying to help out a little I felt compelled to point out one day to Jim that whenever he visited WFTL in Florida he always rented a Cadillac so why not just buy one. He looked at me like I was crazy and explained that Caddies were cool to rent but claimed that he wasn’t anywhere near old enough yet to consider buying one!


You would think by now my computer would know who the Beatles were but it insists on telling me that I’m spelling it wrong like I do the names of my daughters.
When the road behind you is a lot longer than the one ahead, it’s time to take your foot off the gas and just relax.
I wonder if  Coach Smith and Wooden are just patiently waiting for their all time best players to make an appearance so they can take each other on. What a game that would be huh!
So when the Israelites say “Never Again” are they speaking for all the Jews in North American too.
Only bad people have to worry about karma.
So far over a million people have died in retaliation for 911 but the strange part is that none are from Saudi Arabia even though the terrorist hijackers were all Saudis. 
I think it may be my prehistoric instincts that have me thinking that woman are so special, not my intellect.
The only way to get a much younger woman to notice you is to get in between her and her dreams.
I wonder if strong women like strong men who stand up to them.
The first time you hear those dreaded three letters PMS is usually shortly after you uttered those three famous words … I love you.
If you’re ambitious America is the place to be, if you’re not Canada is much more forgiving but you better buy a lottery ticket if you wanna get rich.
The only thing I dislike about planning is that if something goes wrong you hate hearing those words pre meditated thrown around the court room by the prosecution.
America still has the richest poor people in the world.
I think we have too many choices of everything which just leads to confusion rather than customer satisfaction.
It’s pretty easy to figure out what others should do with their lives it’s our own that remains a mystery.
Here are some stats that I find somewhat interesting … When Ted Williams was at the top of his game he failed 60% of the time, on any given day 90% of a radio station’s most loyal listeners are not listening, but the best of all I think is when record companies were flourishing back in the day they were wrong 99% of the time and became billionaires making them right anyway.
We should have never made the accountants sit with the engineers at the radio station’s Christmas party. Payback is a bitch!
I’ve never understood why morning talent always want the radio station to pay for their prep service. Why wouldn’t they want me to think that they came up with all that great stuff.
I wonder what radio performers from today will end up in the Radio Hall Of fame.
OK doing another check, any other words other than yes usually mean no, all the words that precede but or actually are meaningless, holding on to what you have still keeps you from having what you want, ten atta boy’s are still wiped out by one aw s**t and there is no punishment or rewards for your behavior only consequences.  
Have you ever noticed that about 10 minutes after the debate you were in is over all the great copy you should have said shows up.
Shouldn’t the service at a hospital match their 5 star prices.

Whenever I get in a dark funk only a beautiful woman can get me out of it. Do you know any.

Why is it even though we pay a ton of money to Neilson for ratings we usually have to pay another company to check and see if they did them right.

Most people know what they like and only like what they know.

Sneak Peeks of upcoming Blogs @ and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio

#7 LUST & GREED. (from Oct 05/15)

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Years ago when I was living in Boston, Burton Cummings did a one man concert downtown at noon. (pictured with Jim Hilliard, Deno Corrie and me)
A bunch of us from the radio station went down during the lunch hour and caught his act but because he had to do an interview with the Boston Globe right after the show he invited me back to his dressing room to chat. When asked by the reporter about his most memorable moments during his career Burton replied … George I’m sure you can relate to this story.
In 1964 there were a lot of bands in Winnipeg and we were all very aware that there was some new group from England called the Beatles who were getting Elvis style reactions to their new sound. We had no idea however how overwhelmed we were going to be by their appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show but soon enough we were growing out our hair like theirs, dressing like them and most of all trying to sound like they did. Some of us like George and me were lucky enough to actually release our own records and years later I was even invited to join Ringo Starr and his All Starr band for a world tour. I’ll never forget just sitting there one day kinda looking out the plane’s window while listening to some oldies on my I pod when heard the pilot tell us to buckle up because we were on final for Liverpool. At that very moment “I want To Hold Your Hand” blasted through my earphones and then when I discovered Ringo was sitting next to me, I remember thinking … I can’t believe it, I’m actually playing with the f**king Beatles man!
It’s not against the law for lawyers to lie so seeing as most of congress is lawyers so how’s this ever gonna work.
You might as well laugh at yourself because if you don’t others will surely do it for you.
Where you came from always shapes where you’re going.
Lust and greed are the only things that make a man fearless.
You never ever get over true love.
How come others are aware that somebody adores you long before you are.
Crazy people never wonder if they are crazy.
When you can go to bed when you want, get up when you want, and do anything you want in between then and only then have you made it!
Ray Charles may have been blind but he sure had great vision.
A quick thank you may just be another way of saying … Leave me the f##k alone!
Am I still prejudice if what I think turns out to be true.
Is there anything better than makeup sex?
You’re only in charge until you want or need something from me.
Not voting is still a vote.
It is a lot easier to deal with something you did than something you didn’t do.
Enthusiasm is the ingredient you’ll need if you ever hope to produce anything great.
It’s a hell of a lot easier to figure out what you did wrong than figure out what you did that was right.
It is said that you can only become a great man once you forgive your enemies. Hmmmmmm!
Radio has two customers, listeners and clients but unfortunately they have very little in common.
The only good radio shows I ever heard were the ones that produced great promos.
How come the people who destroyed the radio business are still in charge of firing those who had nothing to do with the destruction.
When is someone gonna inform the government that World War One is over so the temporary income tax used to finance it with needs to be abolished.
If you have money there are very few places in the world that are not wonderful.
Pursuit of profit is a privilege not a right. 
Why does big success always seem to lead to evil, answer me that Jared. 
Getting permission to win is often harder to achieve than the win.
If it’s really about supply and demand, how come wine isn’t a dollar a bottle.
Has anybody from New Orleans ever sent a thank you note to whomever is responsible for the Super Bowl being played there so often.

As I post this from Southern California I’m a little bummed ’cause it’s raining but the Californians are celebrating!

Much more @ and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio

# 8 “CLASS REUNION” (from Jan 12/15)

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Jack-George.3586_10151827070879307_632979385_n1Jack McCoy always claimed that in order to be successful one must have a secret and two of his early ones were how to get out of the “Last Contest” alive and what the phone number was to the special printing press that could print 5 different ticket numbers for his “Prize Catalog”.
Our little secret for the “Class” format was knowing that women loved rock stars but never liked their music.Once music research hit the streets our secret was gone as was Jack’s when lots of those special printing presses came on line so it was time for both of us to move on to other secrets.

Meanwhile before it’s too late it would be fun to have a “Class Reunion” sometime and relive all those wonderful days when we were kicking ass and driving fancy cars. Any thoughts on where or when?


It’s not about creating some art that will sell, it’s about figuring out how to sell the art we all ready have.
There is no acceptable time for your parents to die.
The only good part about splitting with the Hunny Bunny is no Alimony nor Child Support.
Most men are looking for a woman who is an ice queen in public and a slut behind closed doors.
When the women I care about start calling me George, I know I’m in trouble.
Languaging is the beginning of understanding.
If I was the owner of a NFL team I would give my new coach everything he needed except the right to run the “prevent defense”.
Is it just me or now that Hotel lobbies are getting bigger the rooms seem to be getting smaller.
Truth is truth so there is no way around it but ratings are not true so there is another way.
I find it very scary that a person may be a Republican or Democrat their whole life no matter what.
If there was full financial disclosure before the wedding about how the marriage would end I’m sure there would be fewer weddings.
The only way to super succeed is by not following the system.
The best time to go with a system by the way is at the moment you run out of the “good stuff”.
Most staffs only need you to be real specific about a project when they really don’t wanna do it.
Remember when radio came with “perks”.
Why do successful things have a tendency to become evil as they get more successful.
Why do stolen sex tapes always seem to restart an otherwise waning career.
What you think is kinda useless information, it’s what you know that brings home the bacon.
I wonder when I should start explaining to my Grandson Nathaniel who is pretty special how great his Mother is.
Most groups break up because the only thing they have in common is the music.
If you’re doing something special on the radio it really doesn’t matter if you are FM or AM.
Radio amongst other things is missing the element of surprise.
If your clients don’t need you to send anybody to their store then you really don’t need that expensive morning show.
Most of the good radio of the past sounds better when talked about then when listened to.
There are two theories about how to argue with women and neither of them work.
When you’re a young Turk there is no need for a rear view mirror but as time goes by you’ll wish you had one just to see all the great stuff you may have accomplished.
The dark side is 10 times more powerful than the bright side.
So far only two musical phenomenons have changed the world … Elvis and the Beatles.
Is there such a thing as a born again Jew or Muslim.
If you’re worried about politicians screwing with your retirement funds elect older ones.

The fact that women control 81% of the spendable income in America not to mention possessing 100% of what most men want makes them a very powerful entity.

Lesley Palmiter claims that the only reason that the women of Iraq and Iran walk 10 paces behind men is because of land mines.

Much more at, on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio




# 9 REMEMBERING DARYL “B” (from Jan 06/15)

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Wow Warren Cosford sent me an aircheck of two of my favorite Winnipeg people, Daryl Burlingham and Burton Cummings.(click on it below) Burton of course was with The Guess Who and Daryl who was very responsible for a lot of the good things that happened to me was the Music Director of CKY.
12301754_10154370469579307_243813672863241026_nNot only did Daryl use to promote my band heavily on his show back when we were called the Phantoms but he would also get up on stage with us where he would share a mic with me and we’d try to out scream each other. (pictured)
When we changed our name to the Jury he produced our first record (Until You Do) and when I hung up my guitar for good he talked the CKY management into replacing him as Music Director when he left Winnipeg for Vancouver.
The picture on top shows left to right, Perry Waksvik, Donny Burns, Daryl, and Kenny Taylor getting ready to hit the road for what was probably another wild Phantom night. Thank you for everything Daryl and R.I.P. buddy, I miss ya!
On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Warren Cosford <> wrote: To REALLY appreciate this aircheck……you would have had to have grown up in Winnipeg. We had TWO “hot” Top 40 stations…..CKY and CKRC.  It was 1962 and I was trying to figure out how to get into Radio. I used to hear this kid named Burton Cummings calling both stations to promote the appearance of this band he was in.  I think they were called The Deverons.  One of the Jocks he used to call was Daryl B…..who worked for a short time at CKRC before CKY hired him away.